😉 Hello dear readers! In the article “Nikolai Semenovich Leskov: biography, facts” – about the life of the famous Russian writer, prose writer, publicist. Interesting facts from his biography and video.
Nikolai Semenovich Leskov is a Russian writer, author of the famous story “Lefty”, which is included in the school curriculum. The writer penetrated deeply into the essence of the Russian people, which was reflected in his works of different genres: tales, short stories, novellas, novels in the genre of realism, essays.
Biography of Nikolai Semenovich Leskov
Nikolai Semenovich was born thirty years before the abolition of serfdom, in 1831 in the Oryol province on the territory of the Russian Empire.
Signature: “The master’s house in the village of Gorokhovo, Oryol province. Nikolai Semenovich Leskov was born in this house and immediately spent his childhood. “
For some time my father belonged to the clergy, but then he got a job in the provincial criminal chamber. He held the position of an investigator and had an extraordinary talent for investigating complex crimes.
The mother was from a noble family. At the age of eight, Nikolai, together with his parents, brothers and sisters, moved to Panin Khutor in the vicinity of Kroma. It was in this area that he got acquainted with the life and character of the common Russian people.
Childhood and youth
In 1841, the future writer went to school, where in five years he was able to master only the curriculum of the first and second grades.
In the summer of 1847, the young man began to serve in the office of the same court where his father worked. But the next year his father passed away. Leskov turned to the management with a request to transfer him to Kiev. His request was granted, and he settled in the city with a distant relative.
During his seven years in Ukraine, Leskov perfectly mastered not only Ukrainian, but Polish. Completed a course in philosophy and religion at Kiev University. During this time, he often communicated with Old Believers and religious pilgrims.
Zhuravsky had a huge influence on the writer with his ideas on the abolition of serfdom. In the last year of the educational institution, Leskov leaves the government post. He begins to work for a relative of his aunt, Mr. A. Ya. Schkott. The company was called “Scott & Wilkens” and was located in the Penza region.
Nikolay Semenovich Leskov
At this enterprise, he received enough funds to feed himself and travel around Russia. In his travels, he deeper knowledge of the language and culture of various regions of the vast empire. He recalls these years as the best in his life. Leskov wrote about this in the “Russian Society in Paris” under the pseudonym Stebnitsky.
After the closure of the trading company, Leskov returns to Kiev and writes literary works, works as a journalist in Modern Medicine. There he became the scandalous author of the revelations of state doctors. Accused of bribery, he quit his job.
St. Petersburg
Six months later, Leskov settled with his friend Vernadsky. “St. Petersburg Vedomosti” regularly publishes his essays. Most often it was published in the journal Otechestvennye zapiski not without the assistance of a familiar publicist from the Oryol province.
Thus, the first large publication “Essays on the distilling industry” appeared. The Sovremennik magazine praised Leskov’s work.
As a writer, Nikolai Semenovich clearly manifests himself in 1863. From under his pen came “The Life of a Woman”, later – “Nowhere”. In these works, satire over the life of nihilism is clearly traced. The work of a simple peasant and family traditions are praised.
Its parallels were easily guessed in the management of the publishing house. Therefore, his work and he himself received negative feedback. They blamed his protest against the democratic views of the writers of the time, as well as his radical inclinations.
Many believed that he wrote novels on behalf of some third interested party. However, the writer himself refuted these speculations. But he could no longer publish in popular publications. All that remained was to publish his works at Katkov’s place in the Russian Bulletin.
1881 was marked by the release of the story “The Tale of the Tula oblique left-hander and the steel flea”, which the author himself describes as ambiguously kind. Everything is intertwined in him, both good and evil.
It is not immediately clear who helps the common cause and who spoils everything. But Levsha was one of the “Righteous” (a collection of portraits of Russian people, expressed in vivid characters in stories).
Leskov’s personal life
Leskov was married twice:
- first wife – Olga Smirnova, daughter of a Kiev businessman. She suffered from a mental illness, was treated, but the family broke up. Children: son Mitya (died as an infant); daughter Vera;
- the second wife is Ekaterina Bubnova. In this civil marriage, a son, Andrei, was born. In 1877, the couple separated.
Nikolai Semenovich was the kindest person and a convinced vegetarian. He believed that a rational person should not kill animals.
N. S. Leskov, 1892
In recent years, the writer suffered from asthma and died from this disease in 1895 in St. Petersburg. There he was interred. Currently, the biography of the writer is studied in schools at literature lessons.
His works leave in the soul of the reader a feeling of penetration into the Russian essence, into the life of the Russian people, the way they have been created since the time of Ancient Rus.
Don’t miss the video! Here is a more detailed and interesting story “Nikolai Semenovich Leskov: biography and work of the writer”
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