The hero of the novels by Nikolai Eremeev-Vysochin, Paco Arraia, is an illegal Russian intelligence agent. This time he has to complete a mission in Afghanistan: Paco must save a Russian general and steal a priceless emerald from the Mujahideen.
The hero of the novels of Nikolai Eremeev-Vysochin, Paco Arraia, is an illegal Russian intelligence officer. This time he has to complete a mission in Afghanistan: Paco must save a Russian general and steal a priceless emerald from the Mujahideen. Maintained in the best traditions of John Le Carré’s novels, Eremeev-Vysochin’s book goes far beyond the spy genre: adventurous themes become a framework on which the author strings his reflections on human behavior in an extreme situation.
Eksmo, Yauza, 320 p.