Nikolai Alekseevich Nekrasov: biography and personal life

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Nikolai Alekseevich Nekrasov is a poet, writer and publicist. He was a “revolutionary democrat”. Although his personal life and some actions, which were dictated by the desire to preserve his journals from censorship and closure, are still the subject of scientific controversy among literary scholars.

The poet devoted many lines of poetry to the suffering and hard life of the peasants. He introduced the richness of the national language and folklore into Russian poetry. I used vernacular and sayings. He boldly combined various motives in one piece.

Biography of Nekrasov

The future poet was born on December 10, 1821 in the family of a wealthy landowner Alexei Sergeevich Nekrasov and his wife Elena Andreevna. Father’s once rich estate was located in the Yaroslavl province

The marriage of Nikolai’s parents cannot be called happy. Remembering his childhood, the poet spoke of his mother as a sufferer and dedicated several works to her, where he depicted her bright image and nobility. These memories were also expressed in the poems about the female share.

The boy’s childhood took place in the village of Greshnevo, Yaroslavl province. Eleven-year-old Nikolai entered the gymnasium, where he studied for about five years. The father wanted his son to become a military man.

In 1838, the young man went to St. Petersburg to enter the noble regiment. But Nikolai did not share his father’s enthusiasm for military service and dreamed of studying at the university.

Having failed the exam, he became a volunteer at the Faculty of Philology. After the lectures, the young man spent all the time looking for work, since his father did not help him, being angry at his disobedience.

The young man ate poorly and did not always have housing. Once a beggar took pity on him and took him to a shelter. The young man made a petition to someone and received 15 kopecks. That was enough to pay for lunch.

Life gradually began to improve. Nikolai gave lessons, wrote articles for magazines, composed fairy tales and vaudeville. There was not even a minute of free time, he worked, in his words, “like a convict.”

In 1840, a collection of poems “Dreams and Sounds” was published, where many works were a clear imitation of V. Zhukovsky. Nobody bought the collection of the unknown poet and this had a negative effect on the author. The young poet bought and burned collections, which later became a bibliographic rarity.

Failure upset Nekrasov, and he decided to take up prose. His stories reflect his own memories of rural life and impressions of St. Petersburg.

“Notes of the Fatherland”

In 1840 Nikolai Nekrasov got a job in the editorial office of the railway station. “Otechestvennye zapiski”, here he became close to the circle of V. Belinsky, under whose influence he seriously took up publishing. This activity turned out to be quite profitable, and in 1846 he rented a railway station. “Contemporary”.

Nikolai Alekseevich Nekrasov: biography and personal life

House of Kraevsky, which housed the editorial office of the journal “Otechestvennye zapiski” and the apartment of Nekrasov

In the 1860s. Dobrolyubov passed away, Chernyshevsky and Mikhailov were exiled to Siberia. All this was a heavy blow for Nekrasov. There were constant unrest, peasant riots and an uprising in Poland. The publication of the magazine was suspended. In 1866, after D. Karakozov’s assassination attempt on the emperor, the magazine was closed.

But Nekrasov did not leave his favorite job. In 1868 he rented a railway station. Otechestvennye zapiski, making him a mouthpiece for progressive democratic ideas

Personal life of N.A. Nekrasov

The personal life of the folk poet caused a lot of controversy in society. In 1842, at one of the poetry evenings, he met the wife of the writer Ivan Panaev. This charming brunette was the owner of a literary salon. There were: Chernyshevsky, Dobrolyubov, Turgenev, Belinsky.

Nikolai Alekseevich Nekrasov: biography and personal life

N.A. Nekrasov and A.Ya. Panaeva

Many were in love with Avdotya. Nikolai Alekseevich could not resist the beauties’ charms. When he was refused, he tried to commit suicide. The poet accompanied the Panaev family everywhere, and after a while they began to live in the Panayevs’ house as three of them. This union lasted for about 20 years.

In 1849, a child was born to Avdotya, but the baby did not live long. In 1862 Ivan Panaev died and Avdotya Yakovlevna married the literary critic Apollon Filippovich Golovachev.

Nekrasov spent the spring of 1864 in Paris. His companions were: sister Anne and French actress Celine Lefrain. He met the actress in St. Petersburg a year before the trip. Three years later, this trip was repeated, but Selina did not return to Russia.

In 1869 Nekrasov left for Paris for the summer and he and Selina spent him by the sea in Dieppe. The poet recalled these amazingly happy days all his life.

At the age of 48, Nekrasov meets 23-year-old Fekla Anisimovna, a kind, but poorly educated girl. He took her to performances and called her Zinaida Nikolaevna. Fyokla studied poetry and admired her benefactor. They got married a year before his death.

Three women have always been in the poet’s heart, in memory of them he wrote a wonderful poem “Three Elegies”, although he dedicated it to Panaeva.

Illness and death

Nikolai Alekseevich Nekrasov: biography and personal life

I. N. Kramskoy. N. A. Nekrasov (1877-1878)

In 1875 Nikolai Alekseevich fell seriously ill. Doctors diagnosed gastrointestinal oncology. For the next two years, the poet was bedridden and life for him turned into a terrible agony. But until the last minutes, he retained clarity of mind and spirit.

Nekrasov left this world on December 27, 1877. It was frosty on the day of the funeral. But thousands of people accompanied the Russian poet to his resting place at the Novodevichy cemetery.


In this video, additional information on the topic “Nikolai Alekseevich Nekrasov: biography”.

Nikolay Nekrasov. Milestones of biography and creativity.

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