Night of the Miraj in 2023: history and traditions
The night of the Miraj is one of the main dates of the year for devout Muslims. On this night, the Prophet Muhammad made his journey to Jerusalem, where he read a collective prayer with two other prophets and ascended to heaven.

What date

All Muslim holidays are celebrated according to the lunar calendar. According to Islamic tradition, Miraj should be celebrated on the night of the 26th to the 27th day of the month of Rajab. In 2023, this date falls on night from 17 to 18 February. Preparations for the Night of the Miraj should begin as early as February 17: spend the night itself in vigil, and on February 18, do not forget to read the obligatory prayers.

History of the Night Miraj

Muslims believe that two miracles happened to the Prophet Muhammad that night. That is why the holiday has two names – al-Isra and al-Miraj. The first miracle is connected with the journey of the prophet from Mecca to Jerusalem. According to legend, in the evening after prayer, he was resting next to the northern wall of the Kaaba, the forbidden mosque in Mecca, and then an angel appeared to him. Without any pain, he cut open his chest, took out his heart, filled it with the good light of faith and returned it to its place.

After that, the beast Burak appeared in the mosque, which can move on the ground at a speed one hundred times higher than that of the fastest horse. On it, Muhammad went on his evening journey to another Muslim shrine – the al-Aqsa mosque in Jerusalem.

Here, famous Muslim stories are woven into the history of the holiday, because the prophet Muhammad stopped every time his heart prompted him to pray. So, theologians claim that the prophet stayed in Medina, as well as in the homeland of Isa, known in Christianity as Jesus.

In Jerusalem, Muhammad performed two rak’ah prayers with other prophets.

The second name of this date, al-Mi’raj, is associated with another miracle that also happened to the Prophet Muhammad on that night. Immediately after the prayer in Jerusalem, the angel Jibril again appeared to him and offered him a choice of drinking milk or wine. Muhammad chose milk, and for this an angel took him up to heaven.

Many Muslim ideas about Heaven and Hell are associated with this journey. This ascension is mentioned in Surah An-Najm.

Traditions of the Miraj Night

It was thanks to the Night of the Miraj that many Islamic traditions and the attitude of Muslims towards certain actions were born.

According to theologians, when Muhammad ascended to the first heaven, he met Adam there – the first man on earth. In the second heaven he met Isa, known in Christianity as Jesus, who was there with his mother Maryam (Virgin Mary). On the third, Muhammad was met by the prophet Yusuf, on the fourth – Idris, on the fifth – Harun, on the sixth – Musa (Moses), on the seventh – Ibrahim.

Then the prophet was allowed to meet Allah and see Paradise and Hell. When Muhammad returned to earth, he told about all this to the people, thanks to which there were rules that all Muslims follow.

As mentioned above, he chose milk, not water, which speaks of the tradition of prohibiting alcoholic beverages in Islam. Allah gave Muhammad an order to read 50 prayers a day, but when the prophet returned back, the prophet Musa asked him to return to God and ask him to soften the requirements. Muslims believe that the Almighty then had mercy and allowed to read 5 prayers, grace for each of which is multiplied 10 times.

It is from here that the tradition of praying 5 times a day originates.

When Muhammad was shown Paradise and Hell, he saw how people smashed their heads against stones, then came to life and smashed again. It was a punishment for missed prayers. I saw people who eat rotten meat, although good meat lies nearby – these were adulterers who cheated on their wives. Here, sinners suffered in hell, who did not pay zakat and were greedy, not giving alms.

What to do on the Night of the Miraj

First of all, Muslims try to spend this night in prayers. For this alone, believers will be rewarded, as is commonly believed in Islamic traditions.

But theologians give other advice on how to spend the night of the Miraj.

  1. The Salavat prayer dedicated to the Prophet Muhammad should be offered, the more the better.
  2. One should read the Qur’an, and not just pronounce it aloud, but learn to understand it. It’s okay if you learn to read it in the original on the same night.
  3. You should repent of your sins. Muslims believe that on this, as on other sacred nights of the year, Allah hears people especially well.
  4. You should forget the grievances, it will be very good to call those people whom you offended and ask for their forgiveness. Himself, too, should forgive insults, realizing how unimportant they are in comparison with all life.
  5. Prayers should be read for loved ones, relatives and friends.
  6. Alms should be given to those who are in a difficult life situation.
  7. And on the day preceding the Night of the Miraj, it would be nice to visit your relatives and congratulate them on the onset of the holiday.

What Not to Do on the Night of the Miraj

The general prohibitions of Islam apply to the Night of the Miraj. In no case should you drink alcohol, because it was on this night that the prophet Muhammad refused wine in favor of milk. This holiday should not be overly noisy. This night is for meek prayers and forgiveness of offenses, and not for noisy feasts. Absolutely, one should not swear on this night, because on any sacred night, any swearing is only harmful, Muslims believe.

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