What date
Like other Muslim holidays, the Night of al-Qadr is celebrated according to the lunar calendar. According to tradition, believers celebrate the Night of Power and Predestination on one of the odd nights of the last decade of the month of Ramadan. Most often, theologians call the 27th night of the lunar calendar. In 2023 Night Kadr will take place from 17 to 18 April.
Night Frame: the history of a memorable date
The night Kadr has a second name – the Night of Power and Predestination. Believers believe that the appearance of one of the suras of the Koran, the holy book of Muslims, is connected with this date. According to legend, the Prophet Muhammad spent the last ten days of the month of Ramadan in tireless prayers. On the night of Qadr, the angel Jibril, known in other Abrahamic religions as the archangel Gabriel, appeared to him. He gave the first five verses of Sura Al-Alaq to the Prophet.
The night of al-Qadr has been celebrated on one of the odd nights of the last decade of the month of Ramadan since ancient times, both by Sunnis and Shiites, as well as by other branches of Islam.
Tradition Night Frame
Muslims believe that, like many centuries ago, on the Night of al-Qadr, angels descend from heaven to hear people’s prayers. Exactly for this reason, believers believed and still believe that it is better to spend the Night of Power and Predestination in prayers and appeals to God.
According to tradition, the word “Kadr” or “Kadar” is translated as “Predestination”, but its roots go back to the verb “to constrain”. This is a reference to the same story of the appearance of Jibril to the prophet Muhammad – it is believed that he squeezed the prophet with his wings three times before sharing the text of the scripture with him.
Muslims pay attention to the weather on the night of al-Qadr. It is believed that it is at this time that a special aroma stands on the street, regardless of whether it is raining or not. However, in the modern world, this is very difficult to verify due to urbanization and industrial enterprises, so some Muslims prefer to go to relatives and friends in the villages.
How Muslims Spend the Night Kadr
First of all, a righteous Muslim must, like Muhammad many centuries ago, pray. At a minimum, he must make up for all missed prayers. Believers have one saying, according to which, the reward for a perfect prayer on the Night of al-Qadr is equal to prayers for 1000 months in advance. That is, one prayer is equal to all the prayers for 83 years.
In addition, Muslims read the Koran on this night, because it was the suras of this book that appeared to the prophet Muhammad on the night of Power and predestination. You can read aloud, you can silently, you can memorize, or you can just read with a book in your hands.
Another important tradition is that on the Night of the Frame, one should forgive all insults, remember one’s mistakes and draw conclusions that will help believers in later life.
What Not to Do at Night Frame
The night of power and predestination falls on the strictest month of the year – Ramadan. So it goes without saying that Muslims are required to keep the strictest fast – not to eat or drink from sunrise to sunset.
It is strictly forbidden to drink alcohol. In general, the religion of Islam forbids drinking alcohol ever, but on this night the punishment for drinking increases several times, Muslims believe.
You can’t gossip on Night Frame, have fun, spend time in front of the TV, watching shows with low humor. Where better to dedicate this night to prayers, believers believe.
Well, the last prohibition, traditionally in force during all the sacred nights in the Islamic calendar, is that you should not sleep on the Night of Qadr. Night begins just after sunset and lasts until sunrise the next day. Muslims believe that it is better to spend it in vigil and reading prayers, and you can sleep later.
If a Muslim fails to overcome sleep in any way, then he should try to hold out at least until the beginning of abstinence and be sure to read at least two times a prayer – prayer.
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