Niedzielski: Patients from Ukraine are not treated out of sequence. It’s propaganda

We verify all signals and call hospitals, where allegedly a patient from Ukraine was admitted faster than a Polish citizen. Not a single case has been confirmed – said the Minister of Health, Adam Niedzielski in an interview published on Tuesday in “Fakt”.

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The head of the health ministry, during the interview with “Fakt”, became, inter alia, when asked how many Ukrainian citizens are currently in Polish hospitals. “We have about two thousand people in hospitals, more than half of which are children,” said Adam Niedzielski.

«These are hospitalizations most often associated with the hardships of travel by refugees – dehydration, infections associated with cold and staying in large groups, diseases of the digestive system. We also have a fairly large group of patients with chronic diseases – these are people who escape, among others in order to ensure continuation of treatment, for example, cancer patients, including children »- informed the Minister of Health.

In an interview with “Fakt”, Niedzielski assured that “at the moment, we have 13 places ready for patients from Ukraine in 120 hospitals all over Poland”. “For now, there is not so much pressure to use them,” he assessed.

The Minister of Health also referred to the information that appears on the Internet that patients from Ukraine will be treated out of sequence. “This is absolutely not true, or rather propaganda of people favoring the aggressor,” he emphasized. «Such information appears most often on the Internet. These are manipulations and lies »- he added.

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«We verify all signals, call hospitals, where allegedly a patient from Ukraine was admitted faster than a Polish citizen. Not a single case has been confirmed »- he noted.

«Everyone, regardless of nationality, is served equally professionally. The decisive condition for admission to a hospital or a doctor is the health condition of the patient »- assured Adam Niedzielski.

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