Niedzielski on new virus mutations: we must be ready for them
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We must take into account that new virus mutations may appear – said the head of the Ministry of Health, Adam Niedzielski in the Sejm during the meeting of the parliaments of the Visegrad Group.

On Tuesday, the presidiums of the Visegrad Group parliaments meet in the Polish Sejm. During it, Minister Niedzielski emphasized that after loosening the restrictions, “these symptoms of a changing reality can be seen very clearly”. “This is of course very optimistic and we all miss this return to normalcy, but unfortunately there will always be some kind of fear lurking in the back of the head” – he emphasized.

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“Unfortunately, we have to reckon with the fact that the risk of a pandemic, the risk of new mutations emerging in this pandemic with which we are having or the risk of viruses appearing at all, these are the risks we have to get used to. Get used to it, because we have to reckon with the fact that further mutations may appear, new viruses, new pandemics may appear and we must be prepared for this »- said the head of the Ministry of Health, noting that it is about equipment preparation, but also the concept of operation.

As Niedzielski noted, the epidemic waves of 2020 and 2021 were other experiences. In his opinion, so far the government thought, inter alia, how to fight a pandemic, how to build the availability of covid treatment, how to ensure an adequate number of beds, ventilators and staff.

“Now these priorities are changing a little for us” – emphasized the Minister of Health and pointed out that the first element was the reconstruction of public health. «We are at this stage when the public health deficit resulting from focusing on the fight against covid, but above all also from certain long-term consequences of developing covid, becomes one of the priorities for the health care system, and here it is certainly necessary to mention post-covid rehabilitation, o other such elements accelerating recovery and this is certainly a priority ”- he said.

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The second priority mentioned by Niedzielski was the development of epidemic protection. «This epidemic protection currently has two very specific dimensions. The first is the introduction of genome research, that is, developing the potential of Polish laboratories and the Polish epidemic system in order to identify what mutations we are dealing with »- he said. “We are already at the stage of differentiating the measures that we apply, i.e. if we identify those mutations that we consider to be alert, i.e. those particularly dangerous, particularly risky – then we apply much more stringent measures from the epidemic point of view” – added the head of the health ministry and noted that it concerns, inter alia, to extend isolation or quarantine.

Author: Grzegorz Bruszewski, Piotr Śmiłowicz

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