Niedzielski: On March 28, we abolish the obligation to wear masks. There is one exception
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From March 28, we abolish the obligation to wear masks. It does not apply to medical entities. There is still an obligation to cover the face, announced Adam Niedzielski during the Thursday press conference. Isolation and quarantine will also disappear from the list of restrictions in force in our country. The minister of health emphasized, however, that although there will be no obligation from March 28, he still recommends not to give up the masks.

  1. On March 24, a conference of the Minister of Health, Adam Niedzielski, was held, at which decisions regarding pandemic restrictions in Poland were announced
  2. Unofficial information has been confirmed: from March 28 in Poland there will no longer be an obligation to cover the mouth and nose in public space. Isolation and quarantine will also disappear
  3. Thus, we will practically no longer have covid restrictions in our country
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  5. More information can be found on the Onet homepage

– We also endure isolation and home quarantine, as well as all entry quarantines – announced the Minister of Health on March 24.

Thus, he confirmed the unofficial reports that appeared on Tuesday. It was then that Interia managed to determine that the masks would no longer be binding from March 28. Earlier, Adam Niedzielski said that he recommended Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki to give up masks from the beginning of April.

What else will change from March 28?

Patients identified as infected will receive sick leave and will be treated and self-isolated. If there are outbreaks of the disease, the Department of Health and Safety will still be able to impose the obligation of isolation.

– The acceleration, which we see in European countries, in Poland has manifested itself in the stabilization of the number of infections – explained Adam Niedzielski.

Although in other countries, including. incl. in Germany, there is an increase in the number of new COVID-19 cases, models are to indicate that there will be no such jumps in Poland.

– All the models we analyze show a systematic decline in infections and hospitalizations. The current forecasts clearly indicate that there will be no increase in the number of infections in spring and summer, said Grzegorz Juszczyk, director of NIZP-PZH.

There is not to be a growing number of infections, even despite the fact that in Poland the dominant variant is the highly infectious BA.2.

– Taking into account all variables such as the return of children to school, the increase in our mobility and the influx of war refugees, this will not result in an increased number of infections. The infections observed by Western countries are the spread of the Omikron variant, currently in the BA.2 version. Currently, the sequencing results show that in Poland BA.2 is 70 percent. samples – added Juszczyk.

As explained during the conference, the level of Polish resistance to the coronavirus is currently 90-95 percent.

– By the end of April, we will have a reduction in infections and hospitalization. There is no sign of an increased number of hospitalizations in Europe – said min. Adam Niedzielski during the Thursday press conference.

– The pandemic is not over, we are carrying out the activities that we have carried out so far. As soon as we determine that there is a greater risk of spreading, we will apply quarantine. We will monitor the situation and act to prevent the spread of epidemiological threats. We are dealing with a dominant mutation. The situation may change. We must be ready to identify risks and counteract them – added the director of NIZP-PZH Grzegorz Juszczyk.

Masks will not be obligatory. What do the experts say?

The decision to lift pandemic restrictions in our country is not warmly welcomed by medical authorities. In their opinion, this is an unwise action.

—It is really hard to expect and hope that Poland will be a green island that will be spared by subvariant BA.2. These infections will reach us and it will happen soon. This is another, sixth warning that we seem to be taking lightly. In the next few weeks, we will see an increase in the number of COVID-19 cases in Poland. You cannot make such decisions on the basis of faith or whim. If, despite the real epidemic threat and clear signals from around the world, such decisions are made, I am worried about the health safety of Polish women and Poles – said the doctor in an interview with Medonet. Bartosz Fiałek.

The infectious diseases specialist, medic, also approaches this solution. Lidia Stopyra.

– This is really not the time to wear a mask. And certainly they should not be abandoned by unvaccinated people. If we do this and vaccination is still so low, the number of severe infections and deaths will increase. COVID-19 can only be treated similar to a cold if you are close to 100 percent. immunized people. This ensures that even when an infection does occur, it will be very mild or asymptomatic. However, we should remember that if we have a cold, we should not go to school and work and infect others.

Read more: No more masks? Experts: We urge you to withdraw from this idea

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