Niedzielski about the end of the epidemic: we will start to function normally around summer holidays
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– I think that around the summer holidays the epidemic situation should calm down so that we will be able to start functioning normally – said Minister of Health Adam Niedzielski on Friday, making a reservation, however, that this is an optimistic variant, which assumes vaccination of 1 million people per month.

Minister of health and chief adviser to the Prime Minister on COVID-19 prof. Andrzej Horban was asked on Friday when the end of the epidemic in Poland can be expected and whether the SARS-CoV-2 vaccine could contribute to this.

Niedzielski pointed out that the effectiveness of the two vaccines declared by the manufacturers reaches 95%, while the effectiveness of the flu vaccine reaches 60%. «This already shows that we are dealing with an innovative, modern and, above all, effective technology. The higher this parameter, the smaller part of the population needs to be vaccinated, so that we can reduce the pandemic to an ordinary illness, which will of course function in our environment, but will no longer generate chaos and a crisis situation that we have been dealing with for the last half a year. »- emphasized the Minister of Health.

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As he said, the public vaccination campaign is to start at the turn of January and February. «If vaccination with two doses means that this procedure has to be repeated 3 to 4 weeks after the first dose, then it can be assumed, at such a rate, that we will vaccinate a million people a month, which seems to be an optimistic assumption at the beginning that we will probably be somewhere around the holidays they had an increasingly comfortable situation »- said the Minister of Health.

He also made a reservation that the rate of vaccinating will depend, among others, on on how many people and how quickly they will report for these treatments. “I think that the situation around the holidays should calm down so much that we will simply be able to start functioning normally” – repeated Niedzielski.

Prof. Horban, on the other hand, pointed out that the SARS-CoV-2 vaccine will work if the majority of the population is vaccinated. “At the beginning, we want to protect the groups that are most at risk of dying, because it must be made clear that in this case vaccination is a medical measure to prevent death” – said the expert.

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He recalled that 25 percent. people over the age of 80 die. “If they are vaccinated successfully, and most of these people are vaccinated successfully, then we will avoid deaths. The younger the people are vaccinated, the fewer these deaths will be, because the greater the risk of death is always in the sick and the older people, ”said Horban.

According to him, young people will be vaccinated in the second place, because – as he explained – it is about obtaining immunity and inhibiting the transmission of the virus. “We will not eliminate the virus completely from the environment in this way – we can only significantly reduce the transmission of this virus and make a very small number of people sick and a very small number of people die” – explained the professor.

Author: Marta Rawicz

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