Nicopass 1,5 mg for the relief of withdrawal symptoms after quitting nicotine. How does the drug work?

Nicopass 1,5 mg is used to relieve withdrawal symptoms in nicotine addiction and to help you stop smoking. As the active substance, the preparation contains nicotine, which is slowly released when sucking lozenges and relieves symptoms resulting from smoking cessation. The medicine is in the form of lozenges, with a liquorice-mint and mint flavor and can be obtained without a prescription.

Nicopass 1,5 mg (Pierre Fabre Medicine/Ozone Laboratories Polska)

form, dose, packaging availability category the active substance
lozenges 0,0015 g (12 lozenges with a mint flavor, 12 lozenges with a fresh mint flavor, 96 lozenges with a mint flavor, 96 lozenges with a fresh mint flavor) OTC (over-the-counter) nicotine (nicotine)

Nicopass 1,5 mg – indications and dosage

Nicopass 1,5 mg is a preparation recommended for:

  1. in relieving withdrawal symptoms in nicotine addiction,
  2. helpful in getting used to smoking.

Dosage of the preparation

Nicopass 1,5 mg is a lozenge and should be taken orally. Adults (including the elderly) should suck the lozenge slowly for about 30 minutes (do not crush or chew). You should not eat or drink during this time. 15 minutes before taking the drug, do not consume acidic drinks (coffee, carbonated drinks).

  1. Phase I (usually about 3 months): suck the lozenge when you need to smoke a cigarette, usually 8-12 lozenges / day, max. 20 lozenges / day.
  2. Phase II: gradually reduce the amount of medication taken; stop treatment when the dose is reduced to 1-2 lozenges / d. It is not recommended to use the drug for more than 6 months. Lozenges containing 1,5 mg of nicotine are not sufficient for people who are strongly or very strongly addicted to nicotine.

Nicopass 1,5 mg and contraindications

Contraindications to the treatment with Nicopass 1,5 mg are:

  1. allergy to any ingredient of the preparation,
  2. should not be used by non-smokers or occasional smokers.

Nicopass 1,5 mg – warnings

  1. Do not give the drug to adolescents under 18 years of age without a doctor’s recommendation.
  2. Taking the preparation must be accompanied by a complete cessation of smoking and the use of other preparations containing nicotine.
  3. Patients with recent myocardial infarction, cardiovascular diseases (e.g. angina pectoris including Prinzmetal’s angina, heart failure, acute arrhythmias, uncontrolled hypertension, vasospasm diseases, severe peripheral vascular diseases, cerebral circulatory disorders) should exercise caution and consult a physician before use. People in this group are recommended to quit smoking without using nicotine replacement therapy or, if necessary, remain under close medical supervision.
  4. Treatment with Nicopass 1,5 mg may make you more prone to angioedema and urticaria.
  5. In the case of: gastric or duodenal ulcer; esophagitis; overactive thyroid gland; pheochromocytoma of the adrenal gland; moderate or severe hepatic or renal impairment; diabetes, consult a physician before using the preparation.
  6. In patients with active oesophagitis, oropharyngitis, gastritis or peptic ulcer Nicopass 1,5 mg may aggravate symptoms.
  7. The drug may be harmful for nayphenylketonuria sufferers because it contains aspartame.
  8. People with rare disorders related to fructose intolerance should not use this preparation because it contains isomalt.
  9. Products containing nicotine must not be kept within the reach of children, as the doses of nicotine contained in the drug may be dangerous to the health of young children.
  10. Women who are pregnant or trying to become pregnant should try to quit smoking without using nicotine replacement therapy. If the attempt is unsuccessful, before using the preparation during pregnancy or breastfeeding, consult a physician who will assess the risk-benefit ratio.
  11. Nicotine in any form should not be taken during pregnancy as it is harmful to both the mother and the baby.
  12. There is no information on the effect of the preparation on the ability to drive vehicles and operate machinery, however, smoking cessation may cause changes in psychophysical fitness.

Nicopass 1,5 mg with other medications

  1. It is recommended to inform the physician about all drugs taken recently, even those sold without a prescription.
  2. As a result of stopping smoking (with or without nicotine replacement therapy), a change in the dosage of some drugs may be required (after stopping smoking, metabolism may slow down and, consequently, the concentration of some drugs in the blood may increase, such as: caffeine, theophylline, flecainide, clozapine. , olanzapine, ropinirole, pentazocine).
  3. Nicotine may increase the concentration of cortisol and catecholamines and require adjustment of the dose of nifedipine, adrenolytic drugs, insulin, reduce the effect of diuretics, delay the healing of gastric ulcers under the influence of antihistamines, and intensify the side effects of estrogen-progesterone preparations.

Nicopass 1,5 mg – side effects

Taking Nicopass 1,5 mg may cause the following side effects: sleep disorders, nervousness, headache, dizziness, discomfort, increased appetite, pharyngitis, cough, flu-like symptoms, weakness, nausea, vomiting, hiccups, heartburn, mouth ulcers, diarrhea, flatulence, indigestion, dry mouth, pain toothache, erythema, hives, palpitations, increased heart rate, reversible atrial fibrillation, allergic reactions (including angioedema).

Some symptoms may be due to stopping smoking.

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  1. prit nicopass 1.5 momkin

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