Nicknames of bulls

Many people who are far from communicating with animals may express bewilderment as to whether it is worth taking so seriously how to name a calf. Especially on large livestock farms, where the total number of bulls and cows can range from several tens to several hundreds and thousands. But studies by British scientists have confirmed the fact that on farms where, along with digital designations, each cow has its own nickname, it allows you to get 54% more milk, all other things being equal. And the character of the bull is often determined by how it was called. Therefore, the nicknames of calves do not at all indicate a frivolous approach to raising them, but rather, on the contrary, they speak of interest and love for animals, as well as a desire to take care of them.

Nicknames of bulls

Features of the selection of the name of calves in home and breeding breeding

In a household or homestead, where there are only one or a few cows or bulls, the choice of a name for calves becomes especially important. After all, a cow for many is not only livestock, but also a real breadwinner. Many even perceive her as a member of the family.

It is necessary that the nickname be easy to pronounce, would be liked by all family members, and somehow associated with its owner or owner.

Attention! It is desirable that she be also pleasant to the ear and affectionate, this is especially important for a cow. After all, female calves are especially susceptible to affectionate treatment of them.

For breeding, there is also a mandatory rule that must be observed when choosing a calf’s nickname. After all, his nickname is entered in a special card with a record of a pedigree from several generations. When a heifer is born, her name must begin with the letter that begins her mother’s name. At the birth of a bull, it is called so that the first letter coincides with the one with which the nickname of the bull, his father, begins.

Sometimes, in small private farms, especially where artificial insemination is practiced, it is not always possible to find out the nickname of the bull father of the calf. In this case, it is called so that the nickname also begins with the first letter of the name of the mother cow.

Types of names for calves

Despite all the modern and advanced animal care technologies, as well as the use of high-quality feed and additives, nothing can replace cows and calves with an affectionate and attentive human attitude. After all, it has been noticed that with a caring attitude towards animals, milk yields not only increase, but the milk itself becomes more nutritious and tasty, and a cow or a bull gets sick less. There are many cases when a premature and practically unviable calf was born. And only the love, care and attention of the owners allowed him to survive and become a full-fledged bull, leader of the herd or a high-yielding cow.

And the nickname given to the calf, albeit indirectly, already testifies to the indifference of a person to an animal. Especially if it is chosen with soul.

It is desirable to accustom a calf to its nickname almost from the first days. For this, the nickname is pronounced repeatedly in a variety of situations. When pronouncing the nickname of a calf, affectionate and gentle intonation is especially important. The regularity of the use of the nickname is also important.

Both calves and adult animals feel very well both their nicknames and intonations with which they are pronounced. After all, cows and bulls do not have very good eyesight, but their keen hearing can be envied. They clearly distinguish semitones, as well as sounds of even high frequency (up to 35000 Hz) and actively respond to them. They may be frightened by sudden or unusual sounds. And, on the contrary, even in a stressful situation, they will behave relatively calmly if there is a person nearby who encourages them with their usual intonation, voice and uses their nickname.

Attention! It is quite possible to teach calves not only to respond to a nickname, but also to feed and drink according to a certain conditional signal, including, among other things, his name.

To choose the most suitable nickname for a calf, many factors must be taken into account.

Nicknames of bulls

Most often, the following bindings of the chosen nickname are used:

  • Focusing on the external data of the calf: size, become, coat color (Krasulya, Ushastik, Curly, Chernysh, Borodan, Redhead, Squirrel).
  • According to the name of the month in which the calf was born (Mika, Dekabrinka, March, Oktyabrinka).
  • Sometimes they take into account the time of day or weather conditions at the time of birth (Night, Smoke, Dawn, Dawn, Snowflake, Wind, Hurricane).
  • Nicknames associated with representatives of the plant kingdom (Chamomile, Rose, Poplar, Buttercup, Birch, Raspberry) look attractive.
  • Sometimes they use geographical objects of their area: the names of cities, rivers, lakes, mountains (Marseille, Danube, Karakum, Ararat).
  • Often the nickname is associated with the breed to which the calf belongs or with the geographical names of the country of origin of the breed (Golsteinets, Kholmogorka, Simmentalka, Bern, Zurich).
  • If it works out, it’s good that the nickname reflects the character traits of the calf (Affectionate, Veselukha, Igrun, Brykukha, Shaitan, Tikhon, Freestyle).
  • Often used as nicknames are the names of characters from books or cartoons (Gavryusha, Winnie, Fedot, Countess, Znayka).
  • Who is friends with a sense of humor can use funny nicknames like (Dragonfly, Glass, Masyanya).
  • Universal are the traditional nicknames of calves, used for a long time (Mistress, Nurse, Burenka, Daughter, Murka).
  • Calves are also often named after the heroes of their favorite TV shows (Luis, Rodriguez, Alberto, Barbara).

When choosing the most suitable nickname for a calf, one should be aware that in some mysterious way it affects the fate and character of the pet. After all, this mechanism has long been noticed in human names, especially if the child is named after any relatives. A grown child can repeat the fate or character of the person after whom he was named. Also with animals. Therefore, choosing a nickname for a calf is a very responsible matter, which must be approached with all seriousness.

Advice! Experts recommend using not very long nicknames (a maximum of two syllables), preferably containing growling consonants. Calves respond much better to such nicknames.

How to name a bull

Below is a list of possible nicknames for bulls, arranged alphabetically for convenience.

  • Adam, Adrik, August, Arnie, Arnold, April, Ald, Athos.
  • Barmaley, Browser, Bravy, Bambi, Belyash, Banderas, Burn, Brown, Bodya, Bublik, Knife, Butler.
  • Varyag, Volny, Venka, Vors, Willy, Vyatik, Raven.
  • Gavryukha, Hamlet, Count, Guy, Gord, Hudson.
  • Dart, Rain, Davon, Wild, Daur, Don, Diego, Danube, Dock, Dnieper, Domusha, Smoke, Deville.
  • Jaeger, Emelya, Yermak.
  • George, Juran, Jorik.
  • Zeus, Starry, Winter, Zigzag, Zurab.
  • Hoarfrost, Iris, June, July, Irtysh, Ignat, Iron.
  • Cedar, Fortress, Prince, Kord, Red, Fireweed, Courage, Kuzya, Kruglyash, Kroha.
  • Leo, Lizun, Luntik, Lubchik, Leopold, Lothar.
  • Martin, Marquis, Major, Mars, Morozko, Mezmay, Miron.
  • Narin, Noyabr, Neron, Nurlan.
  • Naughty, October, Obzhorik, Orange.
  • Paris, Motley, Pate, Peugeot, Peter, Pluto, Pied, Obedient.
  • Dawn, Romeo, Rosemary, Radan.
  • Sarat, Saturn, Spartacus, Sultan, Sema, Sivka, Sivyi, Seri, Smurfik, Sultan.
  • Tarzan, Taurus, Tigre, Tikhonya, Tur, Tuman, Tolstick, Taurus.
  • Umka, Ugolek, Uran.
  • Pheasant, Torch, Theodore, Fram.
  • Brave, Brave, Kholmogor, Christopher, Khoroshist.
  • Tsar, Zurich, Caesar.
  • Cheburashka, Chizhik, Cheboksary.
  • Nimble, Satan, Sharon.
  • Sherbet.
  • Eden, Elbrus, Elite.
  • Jupiter, Yuri.
  • Yarik, Yakov.

Nicknames of bulls

How to name a calf

For heifers, there has traditionally been an even longer list of nicknames, so choosing something suitable is not difficult.

  • Ada, Asia, Alaska, Alice, Altai, Assol, Aphrodite, Artemis, Ara, Arsay, Azhur.
  • Butterfly, Birch, Burenka, Belyashka, Bagel, Cowberry, Berta, Bella, Bonya.
  • Varya, Vanessa, Veselukha, Branch, Venus, Cherry, Varta.
  • Dove, Blueberry, Gazelle, Loon, Glasha, Geranium, Countess, Jackdaw, Gryaznulka, Gerda.
  • Dana, Diana, Dekabrina, Dorota, Dasha, Juliet, Dina, Dymka, Dusya, Oregano.
  • Eurasia, Eva, Blackberry, Enichka, Elnushka, Jeremiah.
  • Zhdanka, Josephine, Pearl, Priestess, Zhuzha, Giselle.
  • Dawn, Fun, Star, Asterisk, Dawn, Zosya, Zulfiya.
  • Iskra, June, Iris, Ir.
  • Kalina, Baby, Prince, Krasulya, Curly, Doll, Crown, Queen.
  • Laska, Laura, Legenda, Lavender, Linda, Lira, Leizy, Lilia, Lyubava, Lyalya.
  • T-shirt, Baby, Cutie, Cloudberry, Dream, Muse, Murka, Madam, Motya, Mumu, Munya.
  • Naida, Night, Nerpa, Nora, Outfit.
  • Octave, Ovation, Oktyabrina, Olympia, Ophelia, Osinka, Oda.
  • Parisian, Victory, Girlfriend, Polyanka, Pava, Fluffy, Spotted, Donut, Bee.
  • Chamomile, Rimma, Rose, Runya, Ronya, Glove.
  • Soraha, Silva, Northerner, Siren, Bold, Lilac, Dark-skinned.
  • Taisha, Tina, Mystery, Tasara, Quiet, Quiet.
  • Clever, Luck, Joy.
  • Thekla, Violet, Flora, February, Meatball, Feva.
  • Mistress, Khlebnaya, Khvalenka.
  • Gypsy.
  • Cherry, Chernusha, Chalay, Chapa.
  • Chocolate, it’s a pity.
  • Shchetinka, Shchebetuha.
  • Elsa, Ella, Elite.
  • Juno.
  • Bright, Jamaica, Amber, Jasper, Yagatka, January.

What nicknames can not be given to calves

This has been going on since ancient times, that it is not customary to give animals, including calves, nicknames associated with human names. Although many do not pay attention to this unspoken rule. But after all, each name of a person has its own heavenly patron in heaven, and calves, especially bulls, will often sooner or later be taken to the slaughter. From a religious point of view, this is more like sacrilege, so you should not tempt fate and God.

In addition, it may turn out that among neighbors or close and distant acquaintances there may be a person with the same name. This can cause unnecessary resentment and disappointment.

For the same reason, it is not recommended to use nicknames for calves, in the name of which national affiliations, political overtones or dialectic words can be traced. It is better to live in peace with neighbors.

You should also not use nicknames with aggressive notes in sound for calves, such as Buyan, Angry, Stubborn, Aggressor and others. After all, a calf can grow up with a character corresponding to its nickname, and then the owner will have more trouble in life.


Nicknames of calves are very diverse. From a large list, everyone can choose something to their liking. But, having chosen a suitable nickname, one should continue to treat the pet with love and care. Then they will repay with adequate behavior and a large amount of tasty and healthy milk.

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