NHF report: ischemic heart disease in Poland and Europe

Every year, over 100 Poles are dying of ischemic heart disease. In 90 percent. In some cases, it occurs in people with high blood pressure, diabetes, overweight, or those who abuse alcohol and eat unhealthy. So it often follows what we have influence over. What else do we know about ischemic heart disease? The National Health Fund has just published a report on it.

What is ischemic heart disease?

Coronary heart disease (CAD), also commonly known as coronary artery disease, in fact, includes various conditions associated with myocardial ischemia. First of all, there are chronic ischemic heart disease and acute coronary syndromes (angina and myocardial infarction).

The data presented on April 24 by the National Health Fund shows that ischemic heart disease is one of the most common causes of death. In Europe in 2016, the disease contributed to approx. 20 percent. of all deaths, as well as almost 50 percent. deaths from heart disease. When it comes to mortality in Poland, according to the NIZP-PZH, between 2014 and 2016, ischemic heart disease led to 10,1 percent. of all deaths in the country – 117 died in this period as a result of PDO people.

Ischemic heart disease is one of the leading causes of death in Europe.

Despite many cases of ischemic heart disease, mortality from this disease has been decreasing in recent years. In Poland, in the years 2000–2017, the age-standardized mortality rate decreased by 52%, while in 36 countries belonging to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development by 42%.

Check it out: Pain in myocardial infarction – causes, symptoms and diagnosis

The main risk factors for ischemic heart disease

The likelihood of developing ischemic heart disease increases due to many factors. Some, including age, gender and genetic predisposition, are beyond our control. There are also nine modifiable factors that account for as much as 90 percent. risk of developing ChNS. The risk of developing ChNS increases the most:

  1. smoking;
  2. hypertension;
  3. elevated lipid levels;
  4. diabetes.

Other risk factors for coronary heart disease that we can potentially influence include:

  1. improper diet;
  2. overweight and obesity;
  3. alcohol abuse;
  4. insufficient physical activity;
  5. psychosocial factors.

Cases of ischemic heart disease in Poland (2014–2019)

In the years 2014–2019, a downward trend could be observed in the number of patients who benefited from reimbursed medical services for the main diagnosis of ischemic heart disease. In 2019, 1,2 million adult patients were provided services for IHD, so the number of patients was 22 percent. lower than in 2014.

If we look at the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME) data, we can see that in 2017, 1,6 million people in Poland suffered from PD (4,2% of the population, which is a percentage higher than in the European Union).

Due to the diagnosis chronic ischemic heart disease 2019 million people benefited from medical services in 1,1. In 2014, the number of benefits provided in connection with this condition was over 1,3 million. Regarding the frequency of occurrence of individual acute coronary syndromes (OZW), in the years 2014–2019 there was a continuous decrease in the incidence of unstable angina from 54,2 thous. people up to 24,3 thous. cases. About 9 thousand on the other hand, the number of patients with myocardial infarctions increased.

Ischemic heart disease – treatment and reimbursed benefits

The NFZ report also presents a list of the number of services reimbursed in 2014–2019, provided to patients requiring various types of medical assistance. During this time, the number increased by 7 percentage points coronary angioplasty procedures in people with acute coronary syndromes. On the other hand, the percentage of coronary aortic bypass (CABG), or bypass, decreased by 0,5 percentage point.

An upward trend, however, is observed in the number of patients who use cariological rehabilitation. In 2019, 14% of patients with acute coronary syndromes waited 5 days for rehabilitation from the date of admission. cases, 60 days in 25 percent. cases and 90 days in 28 percent. cases. More and more people benefit from cardiac rehabilitation in daytime conditions, and fewer from inpatient rehabilitation.

Read more: Rehabilitation – a way to return to fitness

Care programs for patients with IHD

In October 2017, benefits were introduced in Poland under the KOS-Zawał program. It is a comprehensive care program that gives you access to the following services:

  1. treatment of the acute phase of an infarction, including coronography, bypass, stents, conservative treatment;
  2. monitoring the patient’s condition, i.e. control visits for two weeks after the end of hospitalization;
  3. cardiac rehabilitation;
  4. monitoring as part of specialist cardiac care;
  5. optional treatments, including electrotherapy;
  6. issuing certificates of the patient’s ability to work.

In 2019, 60 healthcare providers offered access to KOS-Zawał. In the same year, 19,6 thousand people benefited from comprehensive care. patients, and the reimbursement of benefits for these patients amounted to PLN 197 million. When analyzing the data from 2018, it can be seen that 76 percent. patients using KOS-infarction underwent cardiac rehabilitation. In this group, 74 percent. people after a heart attack started it within 14 days of leaving the hospital.

The NHF report on ChNS – conclusions

Based on the presented report, the NFZ in its strategy for 2019-2023 he mainly considered ischemic heart disease prophylaxis. It includes:

  1. increasing the availability of patients for early cariological rehabilitation;
  2. prophylaxis with modifiable risk factors for IHD.

So far, in order to implement the above points, it has been introduced KOS-Zawał program, and Cardiovascular Disease Prevention Program (Cardiovascular Disease Prevention Program). For ChUK, a pay-for-result mechanism has been in place since January 2020 to provide additional Primary Healthcare bonuses when a sufficient proportion of the population is included in the program.

Further planned activities of the National Health Fund in the field of the prevention of coronary heart disease also include the use of the database to identify people most at risk of ischemic heart disease. The aim is precise and effective preventive and preventive interventions.

The NHF publication on ischemic heart disease has been prepared by the Headquarters of the National Health Fund and the Department of Analysis and Innovation.

Read also:

  1. Cutaneous symptoms of heart disease
  2. Cardiomyopathy – types, causes, treatment
  3. The work of the heart and its disorders. The most common heart diseases

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