Nearly 180 thousand people have so far obtained logins and passwords enabling the use of a personal account in the Integrated Patient Information Center. The system, operating since July 1, allows you to check, among others where we were treated under the National Health Fund and what reimbursed drugs were ordered by the doctor.
NFZ spokesman Andrzej Troszyński informed PAP that most patients obtained access data in the Małopolskie and Wielkopolskie voivodships (over 15 patients each), and the least in the Pomorskie voivodeship (nearly 5 issued access data).
Troszyński reminded that patients can obtain the password and login for ZIP in provincial departments and branch offices of the National Health Fund, as well as in mobile NFZ points created for several days, e.g. in local government offices. He emphasized that obtaining access to ZIP takes only a few minutes.
Access to ZIP allows you to find out via the Internet in which hospitals and clinics can be treated free of charge and at what hours a given hospital or clinic is open and how to get there. Thanks to ZIP, the patient can check the history of treatment under the National Health Fund; what benefits did he use, where they were provided and what was their cost. ZIP also allows you to verify the status of your own insurance and find out at what stage of implementation the referral to a sanatorium is.
Troszyński emphasized that the main goal of ZIP is to implement the patient’s right to information. It also emphasizes educational nature for patients and preventive nature for service providers.
Patients can report their doubts to the National Health Fund if, for example, according to their treatment history, ZIP includes a medical service that they have not actually used. As reported by Troszyński, the most frequently reported cases were those in the list of services that were not actually provided to the patient, and sometimes the patient was not at the facility on that day. There were also cases of multiplication of the number of treatments during one operation.
The spokesman for the National Health Fund informed that so far approximately one hundred such signals have been received from patients. He ensured that all of them are verified to see if there was a mistake in completing the documentation by the service provider or if there was any abuse.
Some of them will probably not be confirmed, as some reports are obvious mistakes, such as entering a gynecological procedure in the man’s records (PAP).
bpi/ bos/ mow/