Newborns: zoom on their bath

Preserve their extremely fragile skin

At birth, it may be best not to bathe the newborn every day if the water in your town is hard or hard in pH. Likewise, if you notice redness on his skin, it is better to avoid putting him in repeated contact with water. In addition, many newborns don’t like being completely naked. They feel insecure, vulnerable without the protection of an enveloping garment (as in memory of the mother’s womb).

Perfect hygiene is essential

A baby can be very clean without being immersed in bath water! It is indeed necessary to make a scrupulous toilet, in particular to check regularly that small regurgitations of milk do not stagnate in its neck. And, of course, the change must be frequent and very meticulous so that the seat is always well cleaned. Under these conditions, the actual bath can be given every other day for the first few weeks. As long as the baby does not move a lot and is not really in contact with the outside, he does not get dirty.

An important awakening moment

But besides its purely hygienic aspect, the bath constitutes a moment of privileged contact and relaxation which it would be a shame to deprive you both. If your baby likes it, you can also occasionally give him a bath with just water, without soap, to relax him.

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