The scary and at the same time touching video has appeared on social media. Newborns from the neonatology ward of the Children’s Teaching Hospital in the Dnieper shelled by the s were transferred to a hospital shelter. The little ones found themselves in makeshift conditions, in a cramped room, but under the watchful care of doctors and nurses.
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Our Country’s invasion of Ukraine caused panic in many Ukrainian cities. For good reason — As the last day showed, it did not end up firing at military bases and strategic points of the country, but rockets also hit residential buildings, kindergartens and other places where civilians are usually found. Including children.
Employees of the neonatal intensive care unit at a hospital in Dnieper (Ukrainian: Dnipro, formerly Dnipropetrovsk) in eastern Ukraine decided to move the newly born babies to a safer place.
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The recording can be viewed, among others on the profile of «The New York Times» on Twitter:
“This is our reality”
The newborns were moved to a makeshift bomb shelter on the lower level of the building. As you can see on the recording, the conditions are more than modest there, the little ones are lying next to each other, some of them are still connected to the apparatus, but still doctors and nurses watch over them. There were a dozen or so children in the shelter.
- Check it out: Neonatology – what is it? Indications and course of the visit
The recording was made available to the media by Dr. Denis Surkov, head of the neonatology department at the Children’s Clinical Hospital. «This is NICU (Neonatal Intensive Care Unit — neonatal intensive care unit — note ed.). In a bomb shelter. Do you imagine?” — the doctor commented on the situation in a text message for The New York Times — “This is our reality”.
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