Newborn’s nose: how to clear a baby’s nose? Video
A large amount of mucus accumulates in the nose of a newborn. This is due to the active work of the immune system, which allows the baby to adapt to life in a world of dry air and dust. To prevent the mucus from drying out, making it difficult for the baby to breathe, such manipulations as cleaning the nasal passages must be carried out regularly.
How to clean a newborn’s nose
Every day, during the activity of the respiratory system in the nose of a newborn, like any healthy person, mucus is formed, which the baby cannot extract on its own.
To release the child’s nose you will need:
- cotton pads or hygienic cotton balls
- Vaseline oil
Wash your hands, lightly moisten your fingers with oil. From the halves of a disc or ball, twist soft cone-shaped flagella about 3-4 cm long on the palms of your hands.
If the turundas are not wet enough after rolling in the palms, gently soak them in petroleum jelly and squeeze them to stay firm
Hold the baby’s head with one hand, with the other insert the cotton flagellum into the nostril. Make a few turns of the flagellum and carefully remove it. Use another turunda to cleanse the next nostril. Repeat the procedure if necessary.
Your baby may sneeze while cleansing the nose – this is normal, you shouldn’t worry.
Freeing the nose from crusts
If the room is hot or too dry, the newborn’s nose may crust. To avoid this, it is important to ventilate the room where the baby sleeps, monitor the humidity level, observe the temperature regime and carry out wet cleaning of the room every day. This is very important, since a comfortable indoor climate helps to keep the mucous membrane of the child’s nose moist, which serves as protection against harmful microbes.
To free the baby’s nose from crusts, in addition to petroleum jelly and cotton flagella, you will need sodium hydrochloride, which can be bought at the pharmacy, or ordinary saline solution. The effectiveness of finished pharmaceutical preparations (“Aquamaris”, “Salin”) is due to the content of seawater in them, which, as you know, is rich in iodine, which has bactericidal properties.
It is impossible to use dispensers of pharmaceutical solutions. It is possible to instill in the nose of newborns only with pipettes. The fact is that with strong pressure or improper tilt of the head, the solution can enter the middle ear and cause otitis media.
You can make your own hydrochloride solution. For one glass of boiled water, take ¼ teaspoon of sea salt. You can also use regular table salt, but it may be less effective at fighting germs.
Use a pipette to rinse the infant’s nose. Place two drops of saline in each nostril and wait one minute. When the crusts are soaked, clear the nostrils with a turunda as described above.
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