Newborn feeding bottle
It seems to many that there is no point in choosing – the main thing is that the container is airtight. In fact, a feeding bottle must meet certain requirements and one must learn to choose one.
When buying a container, you should pay attention to the main parameters, which include the material of manufacture, nipple, shape, volume, shape of the neck, the presence of an anti-colic system.
Newborn feeding bottle, must contain anti-colic system
A bottle for feeding a newborn should be made of materials that are not harmful to the health of the baby. They are made of glass, plastic. The best choice would be a plastic bottle made of polyethersulfone, an environmentally friendly material.
Glass feeding bottles break easily, it is difficult for a child to hold them, which cannot be said about plastic ones. The main thing is that the plastic does not contain such components as PVC, phthalates, bisphenol-A.
What to look for when buying
On modern bottles, the nipple is made of silicone, latex. The first option is durable, and latex stretches, acquires a rubbery taste. Babies need to choose a classic-shaped nipple, the hole should be of an average size so that the baby does not choke, and at the same time does not get tired when sucking. The number of holes depends on the density of the food, the age of the baby.
Baby feeding bottles can be elongated, rounded, etc. Here you should also pay attention to the convenience when washing the vessel. Bends, recesses do not allow thoroughly cleaning the bottle from food debris and plaque on the walls.
The anti-colic system is a real salvation for bloating, pain, cramps, etc. Thanks to this parameter, pressure is equalized inside the container, and the baby does not swallow air when feeding. There are two types of this system – reservoir and tubular. The first type is more expensive than the second, but the liquid does not leak in the reservoir tank, it is more efficient.
The volume of the container depends on the age of the child. The older the kid, the more he needs to eat, so you should buy a bottle in increasing volume.
Neck volume is more important for moms who will have to wash the bottle after feeding their baby. The narrower the neck, the more difficult it is to clean the walls and the vessel itself from food debris.
When choosing, you should pay attention to all the parameters that a durable, environmentally friendly, convenient and light bottle for feeding your beloved child must meet.