Newborn body temperature: how to measure it correctly? Video
One of the important indicators of the state of the human body is its body temperature. It is very important to monitor the temperature drops of the newborn. To get a reliable result, you need to learn how to measure it correctly.
Newborn body temperature: how to measure?
Temperature norms in a newborn baby
The normal human body temperature is 36,6 ° C on average. In a newborn, it may be slightly increased due to imperfect thermoregulation processes. Morning readings are slightly below average, in the evening a slight rise in temperature is possible.
The temperature may rise slightly for no serious reason. Its indicators in a newborn child are unstable due to overheating, increased physical activity of the baby, and emotional arousal.
How to measure the temperature of a baby
You can measure the temperature of a child in the armpit, rectum (rectally), in the groin fold, in the oral cavity (orally).
Measurements in different places may differ: the oral temperature is higher than in the armpit by half a degree, and the rectal temperature is by a degree.
A newborn baby should have a personal thermometer. It must be wiped with alcohol or washed with soap before each use.
It is advisable to carry out rectal measurements only in crumbs, since with age, children begin to actively move, letting them know about the unpleasantness of the procedure being carried out. To take measurements, the tip of the thermometer must be lubricated with baby cream or oil, and a 1,5–2 cm thermometer should be inserted into the rectum. The measuring device must be fixed with two fingers, holding the baby’s buttocks with the other hand. Beforehand, it is necessary to wipe the gluteal fold well so that moisture cannot affect the thermometer readings.
Measurement of rectal body temperature requires the mandatory use of an electronic thermometer.
You can use a mercury thermometer to measure the temperature in your groin or armpit. Previously, it must be shaken off to an indicator of 36 ° C. The baby should be laid on the barrel, gently holding the thermometer. Measurements are carried out within 7-10 minutes, after which the result can be assessed.
During measurement, the tip of the thermometer must not fall out of the armpit or groin fold, otherwise the result may be unreliable
To determine the temperature in the mouth, you can buy a special thermometer pacifier. It is very convenient to use, but in order for the measured indicator to be reliable, the baby’s mouth must be closed throughout the entire procedure. In case of loss of nipples or crying, the measurements should be repeated from the very beginning.
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