New Year’s pear: description

Winter varieties of pears have a high keeping quality of fruits. Harvest can be stored for more than three months. Such varieties are frost-resistant and unpretentious in care. Description, photos and reviews about the New Year’s pear – important information, after reading which, no connoisseur of delicious fruits will remain indifferent. The New Year’s pear variety is valued for regular fruiting, resistance to scab, and minimal care requirements.

Description of the New Year’s pear variety

The New Year’s pear was bred in 2016 by domestic breeders from the city of Bryansk. The variety is high-yielding, tolerates a sharp change in weather conditions, has an average resistance to diseases. The first fruits can be obtained 5 years after planting the tree. The harvest period is from September to October.

The variety has differences from other types of pear seedlings. Medium sized tree, bears fruit with large pears. The crown is wide, slightly spreading. The bark is rough, gray in color. The branches are brown, slightly pubescent, arched.

The leaves are rounded, slightly wide, the color is rich green. Over time, the green mass may form small curls along the edges of the leaves.

Fruit Characteristics

The fruits of the New Year’s pear are quite large, pear-shaped. Weight from 100 to 150 g. The color is green-olive with a raspberry tint. After harvesting, pears can be stored for more than 3 months.

Important! The variety has a high keeping quality, however, for this it is important to create the right conditions for storing fruits. The room should be dark, cool and humid (at least 70%).

New Year’s pear pulp is juicy, white. The taste is sweet with a slight sourness, the aroma is rich. The fruits have small seed chambers, a rough peel.

Attention! New Year’s pear tends to change taste during storage. Consumers note that fruits that lie down a little become much tastier.

Pros and cons of New Year’s variety

Among the advantages of the New Year’s pear variety, it should be noted:

  • pleasant taste of fruits;
  • frost resistance;
  • high yield;
  • medium resistance to diseases and pests;
  • increased resistance to scab;
  • long shelf life;
  • attractive fruit appearance;
  • winter maturation.

It should be noted that the variety has practically no drawbacks in cultivation. The only point: with abundant fruiting, the fruits differ in size, but this minus practically does not bother gardeners.

New Years pear: description

Optimal growing conditions

This variety is recommended for growing in temperate climates, preferably breeding in Central Our Country. New Year’s pear has a high frost resistance, it can be a long time without watering.

If you plan to grow a fruit tree in the south, it is important to determine the correct time for planting. In places with very hot summers, it is recommended to plant a New Year’s pear in early spring. In all other cases, seedlings are planted in the fall, but before the onset of frost. The best time for this: the end of September – the beginning of October. If you plant in the spring, the best time would be the end of April – the beginning of May.

Planting and caring for New Year’s pear

Before you start planting a tree, you should choose the right place. It is preferable that the site be without drafts, well lit by the sun. It is better to plant a New Year’s pear from the south side. The depth of groundwater should not exceed 2 m.

Advice! The soil for the New Year’s pear should not be dense and clayey. The variety does not tolerate excess moisture.

Land for landing prepared in the fall. Even if the landing will be carried out in the spring, site preparation should be done in advance. To do this, dig holes up to a depth of 50 cm, a width of up to 1 m. A prepared soil mixture is laid on the bottom of the planting pit, consisting of: superphosphate, humus, fertile soil. All components are mixed in equal proportions.

Attention! During and after planting, it is not recommended to feed the New Year’s pear with nitrogen fertilizing. Fruit trees are very sensitive to this type of fertilizer.

After preparing the landing pit, a strong support should be installed. To do this, take a tall wooden peg. The soil at the bottom of the planting hole is well loosened, small holes are made that will improve air exchange, which will stimulate the active growth of the tree root.

Rules of landing

By following the correct agricultural technique for planting New Year’s pear, you can minimize the risk that the seedling will not take root.


  1. Prepare seedling. In a young sprout, a small pruning of the roots and upper part is made. After that, the seedling is placed in water.
  2. Wood ash is poured into the ground dug out of the hole, a little water is added.
  3. The root of the plant is placed in the prepared mixture.
  4. A dozen raw eggs are laid at the bottom of the landing pit, covered with a mixture of ash and earth from above.
  5. Place the seedling in the hole leaving the root collar above ground level.
  6. Fill the hole with soil with a slide, tamping well.
  7. A dozen raw eggs are laid around the trunk, covered with earth.
  8. Top of the cut is smeared with the composition of the earth with wood ash.
  9. Tie the seedling to a support.
  10. Produce watering (20 liters of water).
  11. Perform mulching with peat or sawdust.

New Years pear: description

Watering and top dressing

After planting a young seedling, it is important to provide the plant with proper care.

New Year’s winter pear loves moisture, but without an overabundance. The best watering is rain. With a long absence of precipitation, watering is carried out manually.

Experienced gardeners recommend digging a ditch (10 cm wide) near the pear, where water is poured if necessary. Thus, the root system of the tree will absorb as much moisture as it needs.

In order for the New Year’s pear to bring a good harvest, if necessary, top dressing is performed. You can determine what the plant needs by the appearance of the tree:

  • with a lack of nitrogen, the green mass develops poorly;
  • an excess of nitrogen is indicated by a long ripening period of fruits and low frost resistance;
  • lack of phosphorus can be determined by the breaking off of branches in the lower part of the tree;
  • potassium deficiency is characterized by a change in the color of the leaves and their drying;
  • lack of calcium manifests itself in spots on the leaves and leads to early fall of foliage.
Important! It is not recommended to feed the plant without special reasons. If the tree looks healthy, it has enough nutrients in the soil.

According to gardeners, New Year’s pear should be fed closer to autumn. The seedling will endure frosts better, and the soil will be saturated with useful substances. It is worth paying attention that top dressing is performed after harvesting the fruits.


Cut trees in autumn and spring. This event improves the quality and quantity of fruits. Regular pruning allows the green mass to receive more sunlight. Spring removal of shoots is a good prevention of diseases and insect pests.

To properly trim, you must follow the instructions:

  1. Choose a garden tool according to the age of the plant. Young trees are pruned with secateurs, adults with a hacksaw.
  2. Shorten the main trunk by ¼ part, remove poorly developed and dead shoots.
  3. Perform pruning at a temperature not lower than 5-7 degrees Celsius.
  4. The places of cuts are treated with a special composition: oil paint, drying oil, garden pitch or RanNet preparation.

New Years pear: description


New Year’s pear whitewashing is carried out annually in autumn and early spring. Autumn whitewashing helps to minimize the risk of damage to the main trunk, and is a disease prevention. The trunk and main branches are subject to whitewashing.

To perform this event, use:

  • lime powder – 2,5 kg;
  • copper sulfate 0,5 kg;
  • carpentry glue – 1 pack.;
  • any insecticide – 1 pack;
  • water – 12 l.

All components are mixed and left for several hours until completely dissolved.

Trees are treated with the prepared composition, with a recess in the ground of 4–5 cm.

Preparation for winter

The main care measures: preventive pruning of old, damaged branches, whitewashing, fertilizing.

Closer to winter, phosphorus-potassium fertilizers are applied under the trees, and the area is cleared of weeds. It will be useful to add superphosphate and potassium sulfate to the soil. Such top dressing will provide the pear with useful substances for the entire winter period.

Important! Fertilizers applied in the fall stimulate early flowering and abundant fruiting.

Do not forget about protection against rodents. Mice and hares can damage the bark of young trees. To avoid unpleasant consequences, the trunk is wrapped with burlap. Experienced gardeners recommend lubricating the tree bark with clay mixed with mullein and ordinary water. In this case, you can do without shelter.


With the presence of pollinators in the garden, the yield and quality of fruits increase. Pear Severyanka is the best pollinator for most pear varieties.


You can determine the ripeness of fruits by the following signs:

  • pear peel green with a raspberry tint;
  • fruits are easily removed from the branches;
  • pleasant taste, white flesh.

New Year’s pear gives a harvest at the end of September, it is harvested until mid-October. A more accurate assembly period is determined individually, depending on the region of cultivation.

After harvesting, the fruits are recommended to be stored in a dark, cool place.

Important! The room where pears are stored should be well ventilated.

Diseases and pests

This variety has medium resistance to diseases and insects. If you identify and identify the pathogen in time, you can quickly cope with the disease.

For New Year’s pear, aphids, codling moth, pear mites, fruit rot and black cancer are dangerous. The main advantage of the variety is resistance to scab.

If a tree is damaged by one of the diseases, special preparations should be purchased at a garden store, processed according to the instructions.

Advice! All treatments should be carried out before or after fruiting.

Reviews about New Year’s pear

Lopatchenko Inga Aleksandrovna, 56 years old, Omsk
I love this pear very much, since not all of my winter fruit trees have taken root. The only thing I recommend paying attention to when planting is a well-established support near the seedling. The peg should be strong, and the pear should be tied to it without tension.
Matyushenko Ivan Igorevich, 46 years old, Voronezh
My grandchildren love pears, so I grow winter varieties. It is very nice to have your fruits in winter, healthy and unprocessed. With proper storage, the fruits can lie for more than 3 months, and the taste only changes for the better over time.
Ivchenko Galina Vladimirovna, 37 years old, St. Petersburg
And I’m waiting until my New Year’s pear begins to bear the first fruits. The fifth year after planting has gone, I hope that soon I will be able to enjoy my own grown pears.


Looking at the description, photos and reviews of the New Year’s pear, it can be noted that the fruit tree is absolutely unpretentious in its care. The variety is frost-resistant, can tolerate a long absence of watering. New Year’s pear has an average susceptibility to diseases and pests, but is resistant to scab.

Pear – proper grafting, pruning and care – I have been a gardener for 20 years

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