New Year’s gift for a woman: a life story

😉 Greetings to regular and new readers! “New Year’s Gift for a Woman: A Story from Life” will be of interest to lovers of romantic stories.

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The end of the year is a real bustle. You are trying to settle all work matters, put things in order in the house, and even clean up in your personal life, get rid of everything that you don’t want to drag along with you in the new year.

It was in this state that Irina was now. The unfinished annual report is on the table, the head is splitting from the phone calls. And even her favorite coffee did not melt the ice, which in recent weeks has chained the beauty’s heart.

Irina works as a lawyer in a large company. Wealthy, successful, beautiful. “And where are the men looking?” – So likes to repeat, seeing Irina with a glance, their head of the personnel department, an experienced woman, in years.

Apparently, the bar was set too high, which did not give a chance for at least one contender to reach it. Yes, she is very demanding. Both to myself and to others. Employees call her “The Snow Queen” behind her back. She created such an image purposefully. The office is not a place for flirting and dating.

– May I? – the smart fat man Anton, the system administrator, moved through the door. – I did everything as you asked, Irina Alexandrovna.

“Thank you, Anton,” Irina replied without looking up. However, the guy timidly stomped around the table. Irina finally looked up from the documents. – Well, what are we waiting for? A generous tip?

Anton blushed, turned awkwardly and inadvertently caught a folder that was lying on the table. Papers scattered around the office.

– I-ah .. – the guy jumped out of the office.

Two tickets to the concert

“Lord, how is it so unlucky that it walks on the earth? – Irina angrily collected documents. – What a goof! And so there is no time! ” She angrily threw a pile of papers on the table and out of the corner of her eye saw two tickets to the New Year’s concert. She smiled and dialed the information management number.

– Anton, come to me!

A moment later the guy knocked again timidly.

– Come in already. Please, ”she pointed to the chair opposite. – Anton, thank you, but I cannot accept such a gift from you.

– Irina Alexandrovna, – the young man wiped his glasses twice. – You can go with anyone. It’s sincere, really.

– Do you think that I am? So that I can take two tickets from you and go with someone else? I’d love to go with you, really. However, at this time I will not be in the city. I’m going to rest. But I’m touched. And I really want you not to go to this concert alone. Invite at least Vera. She has been looking at you for a long time, I noticed.

– Okay, as you say. – Anton with a trembling hand took the tickets and backed away to the door.

“Christmas tree”

Irina laughed. So much for another cavalier fan. After the last painful parting with the man of her dreams, Irina decided to give her heart a rest. You need to calm down, be filled with warmth and light. I decided to spend the holiday weekend in the Caucasus.

I didn’t want a bustle, loud celebrations. I chose a small cozy hotel with a really New Year’s name – “Yolka”. Train at 22:00 today. Things are packed. It remains to grab a good mood – and go!

With a slight movement, she moved the wall calendar marker to December thirtieth. The penultimate day of the old year. Irina took up the report with enthusiasm. I wanted to finish the work as soon as possible and immerse myself in the atmosphere of the New Year holiday.

New Year’s gift for a woman: a life story

The train arrived on time. An hour later, the young woman was already unpacking her things in a hotel room. A small town in the embrace of a luxurious snow-covered forest seemed truly fabulous. Silence cut his ears. The Caucasian air was really healing.

After dinner, Irina fell into the arms of a soft bed. Finally, a long-awaited vacation – a New Year’s gift for a woman!

I woke up from a light knock on the door. A porter stood on the threshold.

– I beg your pardon, are you all right?

– In general, yes. Something happened?

“You didn’t come down for lunch or dinner. And they didn’t come to the scheduled massage.

Irina glanced at her watch. So you can sleep through everything in the world!

– Thank you for waking me up. I will be at the New Year’s holiday!

She didn’t want to go anywhere. But they say that as you meet the year, you will spend it. Do you mean messing around in a luxurious suite for the next year? Why not!

A mysterious stranger

At 23:00 she left the room. In the corridor I ran into a man from the next room.

– Are you in the festive hall? The stranger asked.

– Yes, I will not break traditions, – looked him over with a glance.

– So how? – suddenly asked the man, intercepting her gaze.

– What how”?

– My kind? – he laughed and explained: – You looked at me like a real appraiser. – Are you alone today?

– And you?

– Let’s keep each other company? Neighborly.

Irina took her gallant neighbor by the arm, and they went to the festive hall.

“I became an accidental witness when the hotel workers were looking for you, so I know your name and surname,” the man smiled cordially. – And I’m Rostislav. Let’s drink champagne for an acquaintance?

– Of course! Why are you alone? Where are family, friends?

– I would ask you the same thing, but I understand that you and I are here, apparently, for the same reason.

– And don’t believe in New Year’s miracles after that! – Irina muttered to herself under her breath, and added a little louder: – Then I propose to switch to “you”. Are we celebrating without asking questions?

– Of course! This dress suits you very much, – Rostislav filled the glasses for the second time. – Let’s drink so that nothing disappears at midnight.

“Are you afraid that I will turn into a pumpkin?” – Irina was easy and fun with him.

“I’m afraid not to run away. Let’s dance?

Magic New Year’s Eve

Salvatore Adamo’s voice spoke so sensually about the snow that it was impossible to sit still. And Irina did not notice how she ended up in Rostislav’s arms. And when his hand touched his bare back, it seemed to be shocked. She forgot about everything in the world and wanted this moment to last forever.

The music did not subside that night, as if she felt that this beauty wants to be in the arms of her gentleman. They danced, laughed, joked, drank wine, made wishes. And then they kissed under the starry sky like teenagers. New Year’s gift for a woman!

This night could not be different! Because those who were destined to meet will definitely meet! Those who were destined to be happy will definitely be happy! But both felt that everything was happening too fast. I wanted to stop this moment. No, do not stop, extend as much as possible!

Rostislav kissed Irina:

– Let’s go have tea. It’s already six in the morning.

Hand in hand, they walked down the empty street towards the hotel.

“Christmas tree” towered in the middle of a sleepy town, as if taken out of the context of some expensive film. The hotel was full of life. Residents – some have already woken up, and some have not yet gone to bed – happily congratulated each other on the New Year.

Irina and Rostislav stopped in the corridor near their rooms.

– Just promise, – Rostislav detained her at the door, – promise that you will not disappear.

She just sighed, blew a kiss to him and disappeared through the door. Fell on the bed. I didn’t even want to think about anything. I had the feeling that I had seen this man somewhere before. She could not remember, but her visual memory never let her down.

Rostislav Olegovich

Irina changed her clothes and knocked on the door of the next room.

– Come in, I will now! – heard a voice.

The bathroom doors were open. I could not resist, looked in. The man was shaving in front of the mirror with his back to her. She tiptoed over and hugged him gently. Rostislav picked her up in his arms. Then they drank tea.

New Year’s gift for a woman: a life story

Irina listened to the beating of a man’s heart. Her heart was silent. But now she understood why Rostislav was talking about her escape. She felt that right now, at this moment, all her feminine nature was screaming about escape! Will I run away from inevitability or from the unknown? Or because everything is too predictable?

– What are you thinking about? Rostislav asked quietly.

– I think I have known you for a long time.

– This is true. Don’t you really recognize me?

– Interesting! And who are you?

– Rostislav Olegovich Sokolovsky.

Irina did not have enough air. Sokolovsky? Well, of course, how could she not recognize him ?! A longtime friend of the CEO of their company. True, I saw him only once, and that already a long time ago.

– And I already really believed that such a chance meeting could change my whole life.

There are no accidents!

– You are upset? – Rostislav hugged her tighter. – Unexpected meetings are especially pleasant if planned well in advance. When I first saw you, I couldn’t find a place for myself. But your boss said that I have no chance, because you are the “Snow Queen”.

Soon, life very unexpectedly spun me around, I got into such trouble that I thought I would never get out. But I did not forget that somewhere in the world there is my Snow Queen, unapproachable and cold.

– But two years have passed!

– Yes, I did not lose hope. And about a month ago, when your boss was visiting me, he carefully began to ask about you. He said that you, as before, are proud and unapproachable. And he added that you were going to have a rest in the Caucasus. If you only knew what it cost me to know exactly where you are going!

– What a sly man! And he was silent until now! – Irina, with mock resentment, threw a pillow at the man. – You are the seducer, that’s who!

“I didn’t think you don’t recognize me, honestly. I didn’t want to admit it anymore. Sorry! And I was also afraid that, upon learning the truth, you would get angry and run away! – the man kissed her every finger. – Won’t you chase me away?

– You won’t wait, Rostislav Olegovich!

– After all, I am simply obliged to offer you my hand and heart! – the man added seriously: – Irina, I want the magic of this night to continue, and you never disappeared from my life. No, don’t say anything. We’ll be back in a few days. And if you will allow, we will spend this time together.

The happy woman did not even think to refuse. For the first time, her heart was beating clearly and steadily: “Yes, yes, yes.” It was a magical New Year’s gift for a woman, which was given by Fate.

The snow fell quietly. And only the “Christmas tree” hidden between the mountains witnessed a real miracle that comes if you really, really want to and truly believe in it.

New Year’s gift for a woman: a life story

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