New Year’s Eve: Tips for Good Nutrition

😉 Greetings to my readers! Friends, time flies and very soon we will celebrate the New Year! The New Year’s feast will be different: for people observing the Christmas fast and for food lovers.

Festive feast

New Year’s holidays can seriously harm the health of not only those with stomach ulcers. Greasy stains on your favorite tablecloth and champagne-drenched wallpaper are nothing compared to what the celebration can cost your health.

Oddly enough, this may sound against the backdrop of general enthusiasm and joy about the lengthy January holidays. But celebrating the New Year is a big stress for the body.

Most of all, the stomach suffers from New Year’s feasts with fatty foods and excess alcohol. Malfunctions in his work, as well as the work of the pancreas, the enzyme system of the body, end in general malaise, which smoothly turns into fatigue syndrome.

And then your sleep is disturbed, you lose your appetite, and as a result, mental stress is added to food stress.

New Year’s Eve: Tips for Good Nutrition

Everything needs a measure

New Year’s table is a decoration of the holiday. Here you can find “fur coat”, “Olivier” salad, and bananas with oranges. But for those who suffer from stomach ulcers and gastroenterological diseases in general, it is not recommended to eat raw vegetables and fruits, especially cabbage.

It is better for patients with cardiovascular diseases not to abuse sausage and hard cheese. There sodium, which heavily loads a diseased heart, is 50 times more than in cottage cheese and meat.

It is better to give the smoked meat cores to the enemy. For them, the New Year’s menu must certainly include fruits, vegetables, boiled meat and fish (but in any case, not herring).

Diabetics also have to step on the throat of their desires. They know perfectly well that all kinds of fragrant cherry pies, cookies, pastries and cakes are contraindicated for them.

Wine and liqueurs are also very harmful. They contain no less sugar than all kinds of cakes. But your products at the holiday will be vegetables and fruits. They are rich in fiber, and therefore slow down the absorption of carbohydrates, relieving additional stress on the pancreas.

Women who are afraid of gaining excess weight need to remember that the danger in the form of extra calories is hidden not only in jellied meat, fatty pork, but also cakes with butter cream, and even in ordinary vodka. Every hundred grams of 40-degree alcohol is an extra 320 calories. And you also need to have a snack! “What a disgusting jellied fish of yours!”

Everyone, without exception, needs to think about not overeating, moving more, dancing and walking. And in the morning after all-night consumption of all kinds of delicious foods, eat not yesterday’s Olivier salad, but skim milk, fruits, vegetables, and sour foods. This improves the digestion of food.

After the feast

Your favorite Olivier salad can also be a threat to your health. Especially if he stood all night at the festive table. Mayonnaise and sour cream, which are used in such salads, are a very favorable environment for the lightning-fast reproduction of most microbes.

After the holidays, many people get poisoned by those foods that are eaten within a few days after a feast. For the same reasons, you cannot reheat fried chicken or turkey, especially stuffed ones, many times.

The main rule for a safe celebration is the same as in everyday life. Remember, “what’s too much is not healthy” – and act accordingly. Then neither alcohol nor food will harm you, and stress will not overcome.

Additionally, I recommend the article “How to meet the New Year sparingly”

😉 Friends, leave your comments on the topic: New Year’s feast. Share this information with your friends on social networks. All health!

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