New Year’s Eve Parties: A Survival Guide for Introverts and Extroverts

New Year’s Eve is not an easy test. I want to do everything and look great at the same time. Psychologist and physiotherapist Elizabeth Lombardo believes that parties can be fun if you prepare for them properly.

Attitude towards mass events is largely determined by the type of personality. Extroverts are energized by those around them, and the very thought of a crowded holiday lifts their spirits. Introverts, on the other hand, recuperate in solitude and therefore try to find an excuse to be less likely to be in a crowd.

How to choose events

It is better for introverts not to agree to all offers, because for them every event is a source of stress. From too active social life, health and performance can deteriorate. Extroverts will accept all invitations. But if the events coincide in time, you should give preference to parties with an active program, otherwise you can gain a few extra pounds.

What to do before leaving

Introverts get nervous long before they start, and the anxiety gets worse every day. In psychology, this state is called expectation anxiety. Effective ways to deal with it are meditation and exercise. Come up with a mantra that will make the upcoming event desirable. Instead of saying, “It’s going to be terrible,” say, “I’m waiting for him because Lisa will be there.”

Extroverts should eat. Let it be something light but hearty, like a salad. They are often addicted to socializing, dancing and competitions and forget about food.

How to behave at a party

Introverts should focus on one task, such as choosing snacks and drinks. When you hold something in your hands, you feel more comfortable. Find someone you know that you like. It is better for extroverts to immediately find the hostess or the owner of the house and thank for the invitation, because then you can forget about it, plunging into the maelstrom of events.

How to communicate

For introverts, conversation can be a pain, so you need to prepare one or two strategies. One of the strategies is to find someone who, like you, came without a partner. Introverts prefer one-on-one communication, and, most likely, this loner will gladly support the conversation. Another way to deal with anxiety is to offer to help organize the party. The role of an assistant allows, firstly, to feel needed, and secondly, it gives rise to short conversations: “Can I offer you a glass of wine?” – “Thanks, with pleasure”.

Extroverts do not stand still, they feel the joy of moving and participating in many conversations and activities. They enjoy meeting different people and introducing their acquaintances to each other. They are sure that new acquaintances are happiness for a person, and they try to make others happy. This is useful for introverts who are often hesitant to approach a stranger.

When to leave

Introverts need to go home as soon as they feel that energy is running out. Say goodbye to your interlocutor and find the host to thank for the hospitality. Extroverts need to keep track of time so as not to get into an uncomfortable position. They may feel energized at two in the morning. Try not to miss the moment when the guests begin to disperse, say goodbye to the hosts and say thank you for the great time.

The party will be successful for both introverts and extroverts if they try to behave taking into account the characteristics of their personality type and do not strive for perfection in everything: in clothes, choice of gifts and communication.

About the Developer

Elizabeth Lombardo – psychologist, physiotherapist.

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