New Year’s contests for children, games and entertainment at home
When the New Year is celebrated in the company of several families with children, everyone should have a holiday feeling. Children should be thought of first of all, since they are the ones who are looking forward to this celebration. How exactly? It is necessary to think over everything and allocate part of the evening for New Year’s contests for children. Everything should be for real, with prizes, incentives and the choice of a winner.
New Year’s contests for children make the holiday fun and memorable
Features of New Year’s contests and entertainment for children
It is important to consider that all children have different ages, but everyone should be equally fun and interesting. Make sure that there are enough prizes with gifts for all competitions and entertainment. It can be:
small toys;
multi-colored crayons;
stickers and decals;
key chains, etc.
An important point is that rewards should be universal, that is, they should be able to cause delight and joy, both for girls and boys. If adults take part in New Year’s contests at home for children, but do not show their superiority, then this is a clear plus. Thanks to this, the children’s audience will have a greater interest in the process.
New Year’s contests for children
You can connect your imagination and arrange a thematic evening, then all tasks should be prepared in the same style. Or you can use our hint, take New Year’s games and contests for children from this list.
“Choosing the symbol of the year.” Participants are invited to portray an animal that symbolizes the coming year. The winner can be rewarded with a bell for good luck all year round.
“What’s hidden in the black box?” Put the prize in a small box, close it. Have participants try to guess what is in it one at a time. You are allowed to approach the box, touch and hold your hands over it.
Decorating the Christmas tree. All participants are divided into two teams. Each group is given 10 items of New Year’s decorations: serpentine, garlands, toys, tinsel, snowflakes, etc. The team must place all these items on one of the participants. The winners are those who did it faster.
“Theatrical”. Contestants are given cards with assignments. They must depict what is written there: a hare under the tree, a sparrow on the roof, a monkey in a cage, a chicken in the yard, a squirrel on a tree, etc. The winner is the one who coped better with the task.
It is easy and simple to create a real holiday for children, if you wish. Using our tips, you can have fun yourself and bring joy to your child. An unforgettable experience is guaranteed.