New Year: getting ready for battle!

New Year: getting ready for battle!

Oh, how we were looking forward to the New Year’s season in childhood! We wrote letters to Santa Claus, decorated the Christmas tree in advance and looked forward to a real “adult” holiday. Alas, growing up, we begin to associate December with completely different worries … If you have a headache from the need to close the working year, deal with children’s matinees and survive the pre-holiday gift bustle without losses, study our three main rules of the pre-New Year’s fight!

Rule 1. We carry out preliminary preparation

Already in November, at the thought of the end of the annual period, a slight panic begins to seize you, and the to-do list threatens to overflow an already swollen diary? Calm and only calm! Now we will tell you what to do. Set aside a few hours on the weekend and prevent your family from bothering you on any issues, except for fire and floods (and even then let them first save the cat and documents, and then they pull you).

Sit down and write a to-do list organized by category (Home, Work, Family / Children, Gifts, etc.) and by due date. It is the lack of a clear understanding of the tasks in each separate area of ​​life that leads to the fact that at first from the workplace we are hastily looking for a designer ordered by children, because it still has to be delivered from China, and then on the weekend we finish writing an annual report for our bosses from home!

Within the categories, distribute all tasks according to the following principle:

  • important and urgent;
  • urgent but not important;
  • important but not urgent;
  • unimportant and non-urgent.

At the same time, think about whether some tasks from the last two categories can be postponed for the January holidays? This simple exercise helps to calm panic, structure all your affairs and understand that everything is not so bad at all.

Rule 2. We conduct offensive battles!

Once you have drawn up a clear list of things to do and have determined the deadlines for their completion, you can proceed to the destruction of the enemy … that is, to delete important and urgent points. There is only one small condition. In order not to feel like a driven horse (alas, a frequent female condition in December), after each “important and urgent” case, allow yourself “unimportant and non-urgent, but pleasant.” It is in this sequence – let the pleasant task serve as an incentive to perform the less inspiring duties.

For example, by sending an annual report to your boss, you can afford to relax and collect a basket of pleasant trifles and New Year’s decorations for your home and a festive table in the online store! We made two snowflake suits over the weekend, provided three bunnies with ears and made 15 greeting cards with our children “with our own (that is, parental!) Hands”? You definitely deserve the right to manicure, pedicure and, possibly, spa treatments in order to look like the queen of the ball at a New Year’s corporate party or a friendly party!

Rule 3. Get a reliable ally!

Of course, with such a busy schedule, we do not have time and opportunity to be distracted! However, changeable autumn-winter weather, pressure drops, work stress and bustle of home … It is not surprising that headaches or even migraines, alas, are a frequent companion of the New Year’s season. Therefore, in order to maintain full combat capability, it is especially important to find a suitable ally in the fight against the body’s insidious distracting maneuvers!

Pay attention to the well-known and battle-proven analgesic Tempalgin – a drug for pain of various origins. Tempalgin produced in Bulgaria and specially designed to combat headaches, migraines, toothache or neuralgic pain.

Tempalgin Is a “long-range weapon”: it has a pronounced and long-lasting analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect. Besides, Tempalgin not only relieves pain, but also (which is especially important) has a calming effect so important in New Year’s Eve stress!

So, arm yourself with our advice, secure yourself reliable allies and boldly meet the hectic, but still joyful and exciting New Year’s Eve season! May all the chores be pleasant, and all the tasks important, but not urgent!

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