New World

“New World” – Russian champagne, created according to old recipes and French technology. The brand in its history has won more than three hundred medals and diplomas at international competitions and tastings. Since 2017, the plant has been owned by the Southern Project company, registered in St. Petersburg. The company’s capacity is designed to produce 1,5 million bottles of champagne per year.

Historical information

The founder of the Crimean winemaking Prince Lev Golitsyn in 1878 acquired two hundred hectares of land in the eastern part of the Crimean peninsula. The winemaker set himself an ambitious task – to establish the production of sparkling wines. To this end, he founded a nursery and created a collection of vines, which included about 600 varieties. The prince experimented with blends for a long time in order to create a sparkling wine with a well-recognized taste and character of its own.

For champagne, varieties from the Pinot, Chardonnay, Aligote and Riesling groups were selected, which are still used by Crimean winemakers. The organization of wine cellars was not an easy task – vast areas were required, which simply did not exist. Golitsyn found a solution to the problem – the vaults were cut into the rock, where the temperature did not rise above +12 ° C all year round. Already the first samples of champagne from the New World gained world fame, and in 1900 the Crimean sparkling wine was awarded the Grand Prix of the Paris competition.

New World

In the first years of the revolution, the estate experienced many raids and robberies. The situation stabilized only after the nationalization of the enterprise. The sparkling wine factory officially opened in late 1920. Production had to be restored for a long time, so the Novy Svet was fully operational only 14 years later. During the Soviet years, the circulation of sparkling wines was increased to 704 bottles per year. In 2014, the enterprise became the property of the Russian state, and three years later it was privatized.


The company’s vineyards are located in the Sevastopol zone in the foothills of the Crimea. The microclimate of the region is similar to French Champagne. The grape harvest is carried out exclusively by hand. Clusters are carefully sorted out, damaged ones are rejected. The juice of the first extraction is used in production, still wines are obtained from it for the preparation of the circulation mixture.

Champagne is made according to the classical method with aging in the bottle. The term is at least nine months. Since 2016, the plant has been using crown caps for temporary closures, which ensure complete tightness and retain carbon dioxide. After the end of the draw time, the bottles are placed on the stands, where the craftsmen shake the containers daily, achieving a sediment shift to the neck.

Then the champagne is cooled and sent for disgorgement, where the cork is removed along with the remaining yeast. Expeditionary liquor is added to the drink at the bottling line, which gives each variety a special taste. After the control exposure, labels are attached to the bottles, and the wine is ready to be sent to retail chains.

Interesting Facts

Manual work with champagne is considered very difficult and quite dangerous. The bottles are rotated according to a strictly defined technology, gently tapping on the walls so that the sediment gradually moves down. But there are cases when the glass does not withstand pressure, and the bottle simply explodes. The masters of the “New World” have to wear special suits and goggles to avoid possible injuries.

Wine tours traditionally take place at the plant, which can be visited by all guests of the Crimean peninsula. The exposition of the museum occupies vast premises, where historical materials and documents are presented. At the end of each tour, guests visit the tasting room, where they can try premium brands of champagne, including Coronation and Paradisio.

Types of champagne “New World”

The assortment of the plant includes 22 types of champagne, among which there are both elite varieties of long-term aging, and young sparkling wine intended for the mass buyer. The best is the famous “Coronation”, created according to an old recipe and once presented to the table of the last Russian emperor. In 2000, specialists managed to recreate Paradisio, which is made from Chardonnay grapes. This brand once won a triumphant victory at an exhibition in Paris.

Premium varieties can be purchased at specialized stores and directly from the factory. Retail chains sell high-quality Crimean champagne with an aging of 9 months.

New World brut white, 13,5%

A blend of base wines made from white grapes. The color is golden with slight greenish reflections. The aroma contains the smells of fresh berries and wildflowers. The taste is harmonious and well balanced, with mineral and fruit notes.

Novy Svet aged semi-dry, 13,5%

The most popular variety is created from traditional grapes grown in the foothills. Sparkling wine of light golden color has a creamy taste with grape hues. The aroma has the smell of currant berries.

Novy Svet semi-sweet, 13,5%

Sparkling wine of golden color with the aroma of ripe southern fruits. The drink is full of small bubbles that stay in the glass for a long time. On the palate there are hints of raisins, dry apples, pears and honey. It is recommended to serve with sweet desserts.

Novy Svet pink semi-dry, 13,5%

Cabernet Sauvignon expedition liqueur is added to young champagne to give a pink tint. The delicate aroma combines the smells of southern flowers and ripe fruits. The velvety taste is dominated by notes of wild berries.

Novy Svet pink semi-sweet, 13,5%

Rosé sparkling wine with reddish reflections and aroma of acacia. The taste is rich, with pleasant strawberry-raspberry hues. The manufacturer advises serving wine with fruit salads and confectionery, excluding chocolate.

New World

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