New Ways to Lose Weight Fast: Massage
Author’s massage is still considered an effective way to help you lose weight, correct problem areas and restore skin tone. In autumn, when the body lacks warmth, these procedures become especially pleasant. has chosen three of the most interesting options.
Slim massage for body shaping
Ways to lose weight quickly
In Asia Beauty Spa the most popular is the complex Chinese slim massage. This ancient Chinese technique is considered the most effective for losing weight and fighting cellulite.
The program, which is carried out only by Chinese specialists, includes lymphatic drainage, deep muscle kneading and impact on subcutaneous fat. By improving the flow of lymph, slags are removed from the tissues, the inflow of nutrients and oxygen is accelerated, the release of fluid from the tissues is increased, and fats are effectively “burned”. The procedure helps to increase the production of collagen and elastin, so that after the massage the skin becomes firm and smooth.
How are: the specialist works on the whole body, especially problem areas, arms, back, legs, thighs, buttocks, abdomen. The massage is carried out with a special Thai oil, which also promotes weight loss.
Pleasant news: until November in the “Asia Beauty Spa” there is an unusual promotion “Night SPA-Relax”. Busy people can visit the Spa from 2 am to 9 am and receive a 25% discount on treatments.
Honey massage for cellulite
Honey massage in the Malinari salon.
The basis of the new massage in the Malinari salon is honey. And it is no coincidence that this product saves from stress, makes the skin smooth as silk, increases the tone of the body and, most importantly, helps to lose weight. Giving biologically active substances to the skin, honey absorbs toxins, facilitating their easy removal from the body. Already after the first procedures of anti-cellulite honey massage, changes for the better are noticeable: the skin becomes elastic and silky, blood flow increases, and overall well-being improves.
How it is done: A healing honey massage covers the entire body. However, not all areas are massaged with honey, but only those that need correction. The arms and legs are especially worked out. The effect comes quickly, since honey is quickly absorbed by the skin and all bioactive components enter the bloodstream and are included in the metabolism.
One of the most unusual techniques is “coconut massage”. It is made with coconut halves polished to a perfectly smooth state. Surprisingly, sliding along the body, nuts are able to model the figure, increase the tone and elasticity of the skin.
How it happens: in the CityChic salon, massage is performed in four hands. The movements of the coconut bowls become multidirectional, so you can quickly relax and even fall asleep. However, relaxation is only part of the program, the main work is aimed at modeling the figure. In this, masseurs are helped by special cosmetics, which allow to achieve a noticeable effect in just a few sessions.