New Vegan Recipe Book!

Friends, I am glad to tell you that soon another book of vegan recipes from the author of the friendly blog Wholesome Way, Ali Samokhina, will be born.

Alya has been running her healthy lifestyle blog for more than two years, publishing unusual recipes for vegan dishes. For about a year now, she has dreamed of making a recipe book, one that will be pleasant to scroll through, getting inspiration from every photo and every recipe. Now on the shelves of Moscow bookstores (and even on electronic shelves) there is a lack of such a publication. There are excellent books with good recipes, but they were published a few years ago. In order to collect the necessary amount for the book design, Alya chose crowdfunding, this is a public funding tool, when you can support the project by pre-ordering the book, and after the successful completion of the collection, get it ready-made. Ale needs funds to pay for the services of a photographer, layout designer and taxes.

“Initially, the idea was to collect 40 recipes from herbal ingredients, take beautiful photographs and typeset the book, but now the author does not want to stop and wants to make even more delicious, inspiring, unusual and healthy dishes. I wanted to make a product that many people lacked. First, the book will be available in electronic format, later a printed version with additions and new recipes will appear.«.


In addition to the obvious reward in the form of an e-book, there are some other interesting options. You can choose any amount for support, starting from 50 rubles, and pay by card from anywhere in the world. Let’s support the project?

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