Fashionable forecasts suggest that the elongated bob, which everyone dreamed of lately, is giving way to another trend.
The boom in a perfectly smooth bob length to the collarbone began last spring, when, following Kim Kardashian, many celebrities decided to get rid of long hair. Selena Gomez was next in line, followed by Salma Hayek and Monica Bellucci. Soon the fashion spread to our country, prompting Anna Shulgina, Daria Pynzar and many more representatives of the domestic show business to cut off luxurious curls. The haircut won the hearts of fashionistas primarily because of its practicality, because such a square is easy to grow.
The new trend that fashionists are predicting today is not so democratic. The thing is that in 2018 we are promised a boom of the classic bob and bangs, while the latter should be quite short. As always, the trend went down from the catwalks, and the status of the trend began to conquer after several Hollywood divas at once showed the world this type of hairstyle on the red carpets.
Emma Roberts at Annual Critics’ Choice Awards 2018
The bangs of the actress turned out to be an invoice
The main trendsetter from the acting environment was Emma Roberts, who appeared with a similar bob on January 11 at the Annual Critics’ Choice Awards 2018. Her bangs had a straight, graphic cut and looked very unusual. True, as it turned out a little later, Emma used a bang-wig for this exit, and her curls remained intact. But another guest of the award, Alison Sudol, who showed the same haircut, did not use any hairpieces, but decided to cut off her bangs irrevocably. At the same time, the actress made her version even more relevant – an ultra-short one with a torn edge. By the way, Alison decided to change her hairstyle a long time ago, and the fact that right now her haircut has attracted the attention of fashion critics suggests that Sudol is no longer alone in her love for strange bangs.
Alison Sudol at the 2018 Annual Critics’ Choice Awards
Alison Sudol, February 2, 2017
Quite a long time ago, the French actress Sofia Boutella became the owner of a cute ragged bangs. However, if in the summer of 2017 the bangs complemented the luxurious curls, by the end of autumn the star got rid of them, replacing them with a haircut on a square. On January 6, 2018, Sofia appeared at one of the Hollywood parties with styling like Alison Sudol.
Sofia Boutella, 6 January 2018
Another famous actress – Emma Watson – has not yet decided on a square, but she has got bangs. If earlier the actress constantly opened her high forehead in order to seem a little older, today she has clearly outgrown the age complex and does not mind looking at her age.
Emma Watson, 22 June 2017
Emma Watson, 6 January 2018
Perhaps the owner of the most daring and stylish bangs has recently become the fashionista Anuki Areshidze – the wife of the mayor of Tblisi, a fashion designer and fashion blogger. Until recently, Anuki sported long hair, and now Instagram is already in full swing discussing her new haircut – a tousled bob with a strange “bang”. Do not be surprised if after about six months you also want to try on just such a haircut. These are the trends – first we say that it looks strange, and then we go to the hairdresser and … And here a minute of attention: if you really decide to take such a bold step, carefully weigh the pros and cons.
Tbilisi Mayor’s wife, fashion designer Anuki Areshidze
Anuki got rid of long hair and got bangs
“This season, the lengthened bob will really go away, and smooth styling a la Kim Kardashian will not be so relevant,” says hairdresser-stylist Valeria Ulanova. – They will be replaced by disheveled, careless shortened curls. As for the bangs, here, of course, it is difficult to say unequivocally that everyone will wear it without exception. Trends are trending, and the bangs either suit you or not. But the fact that there are a lot of such “freaky” people on the catwalks now is a fact. If you want to repeat, then remember that bangs are primarily a tool for correcting the shape of the face. The ideal shape is an oval. For round and square faces, elongated, asymmetrical bangs that stretch the oval are good. The bangs we are talking about will work differently – it will rather emphasize the irregularity of the oval and will make you look fat. Cropped bangs are only good for the perfect face. You also need to remember about age and status. If you have a serious job and go to your office every day, such a naive hairstyle may not be entirely appropriate. Well, if you are a student and a fashionista, then why not! “