New trend – carnivorous plants

The seeds and seedlings of these carnivorous plants can be freely purchased from specialized flower shops or online. True, the prices for such exoticism “bite”. So, for example, a bag of seeds of a sundew flower that hunts for flies costs about $ 50. But this is the cheapest of the exotic plants, as it is quite often found in the natural conditions of Europe. But fans in Poland do not hesitate to pay five hundred dollars and even more for exotic seeds of African and South American fly-eater flowers.

Experts say that in apartments where, among other flowers, there are carnivores, there are much fewer flies and mosquitoes. However, enthusiasts for keeping these unusual flowers know another side of their hobby – in winter, when insects from apartments almost disappear, “predatory” flowers need to be artificially fed, and flies for this either grow themselves or buy in pet stores.

In total, about 500 species of such flowers grow in the world. Tropical carnivorous flowers are not averse to having breakfast with a small bird or mouse, and their European counterparts are dangerous only for flies, mosquitoes, gadflies, dragonflies, butterflies and snails.

A source: AMI-TASS.

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