New technologies in agriculture: Trends podcast

About why automatic systems cannot completely replace a talented farmer, but how they will help him, we discuss with experts in the new episode of the podcast “What has changed?”

In the new episode, we discuss the development of technologies in agriculture with two experts:

  • Valerie Kogan, founder of agrotech startup Fermata;
  • Jeroen Keizer, CEO of Lely Rus

Release timeline:

2:23 — Why does a farmer need good internet?

4:32 – How to explain to farmers that technology is a help, not a hidden threat?

5:06 – Trend for small farms in the city

6:47 — Is it difficult for a startup to break into the agricultural market?

12:40 — How is agriculture changing now?

16:13 — Will technology replace people and take away their jobs?

20:51 — Where do they teach new agricultural technologies?

23:39 — The future of the agricultural sector and the trend towards sustainable consumption

1. 5G, cloud technology and intelligent data processing

For the efficient operation of smart devices, the parallel development of hard and soft technologies is necessary. Everything is going to ensure that farmers begin to actively use 5G Internet coverage, cloud technologies and intelligent data processing. Farmers are afraid of the risks associated with such technologies. For example, that information about their harvest can be transferred to competitors. Therefore, the introduction of advanced technologies requires trust and a willingness to change.

2. Small farms

One of the trends is the creation of home agricultural farms with plants. You can grow salad greens at home. Large companies produce such mini-farms for both households and restaurants.

In our country, everyone can receive a state subsidy or a grant for entrepreneurship in the agricultural sector, but in practice only large enterprises succeed. In fact, there is no tax support. Therefore, it is difficult for a young farmer to open a startup or start investing in technology.

When import substitution began, the task was to first create large-scale production, and only then support the initiatives of small farms. In large holdings, as a rule, high quality standards and large investments. But in small farm shops there is an interesting and unusual choice: they do not depend on the tastes of the mass consumer and can quickly respond to the request of their niche.

3. Robots and ubiquitous digitalization

Technology helps small farms improve product quality without increasing the number of staff. In general, they allow people to engage in more intellectual work.

There are problems with the introduction of technologies in both large and small farms. In the first, there is often no request for digitalization and robotization, because farms in our country have low wages, and the manufacturer tends to solve mistakes by attracting new labor. For small farmers, the technologies are too expensive.

Robot and human exist in symbiosis. Within five to ten years, a robot or computer may fail. He always needs an experienced farmer who interprets the data and controls the automatic systems. Humans make mistakes too, technology reduces that risk.

What will be the digital future of agriculture in our country

4. Automation and sustainable consumption

Education in the field of new farming is not very common in our country, although in Europe there are separate master’s programs on business in the agricultural industry. Much knowledge is still passed down from generation to generation of farmers. Becoming a good farmer is very difficult.

The farm of the future is one where there are people, but the level of automation is very high. Technology should help “feed” the growing population of the planet and replace humans in routine work.

Farmers are now striving to ensure that cows live longer and are not “squeezed out” by lactation. Maybe they don’t need to be killed at all soon, given artificial meat projects. This is how human intellectual resources make the world a better and greener place.

Five professions of the future in agriculture

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