New strawberry varieties: description and characteristics

New strawberry varieties: description and characteristics

New strawberry varieties: description and characteristics

Thanks to the work of domestic and foreign breeders, new varieties of various fruit plants are constantly being developed, including new varieties of garden strawberries. Today we will talk about the most promising varieties of strawberries that are recommended for planting in 2022.

Early-ripening varieties

Many garden strawberry growers prefer early-maturing varieties. The first spring berry is a good source of profit.


New strawberry varieties: description and characteristics

Strawberry variety Alba was highly appreciated by consumers for its interesting presentation and good taste of ripe juicy berries. However, you can often hear complaints about excessive sourness.

For the period of removable maturity, the berries of the Alba variety have a beautiful bright red color and a conical shape. The weight of a ripe fruit reaches 30 g. The berries remain uniform in shape and do not shrink at the end of ripening, as is often the case with other varieties of garden strawberries. The main advantages of the Alba variety include early fruiting, abundant productivity and good winter hardiness.

With proper care, the culture copes well with both hot and humid climates, and also has strong immunity to most fungal and viral diseases.


New strawberry varieties: description and characteristics

One of the newest strawberry varieties of foreign selection is Christina. This fruit plant was bred by British scientists and in a short period managed to gain popularity among gardeners in many countries of the world, including Our Country.

Variety Christina is in demand both in amateur and industrial gardening. It is characterized by abundant yield and good resistance to pathogens of various fungal infections. With proper organization of storage, this culture showed high rates of keeping quality and transportation.

The berries are large (up to 40 g), regular shape, juicy and fragrant. The peel and flesh have a characteristic red color.


New strawberry varieties: description and characteristics

The honey strawberry variety is the result of selection by American scientists. If we talk about the advantages of Honey strawberries, then it is necessary to note the high yield, excellent transportability and the ability of the fruit to maintain its taste and commercial qualities for a long period, as well as resistance to temperature extremes.

The berries are large (average weight – 40 g), dense texture, juicy and fragrant. At the time of harvest, strawberries have an attractive rich red color with a characteristic sheen.


New strawberry varieties: description and characteristics

Clery is a new ultra-early strawberry variety recommended for planting in 2022. This fruit crop has managed to establish itself as one of the best commercial varieties.

If you are looking for the perfect berry for which you can ask for a good price, pay attention to the Clery variety. The main advantages are called high productivity, early fruiting and excellent transportability with proper organization of packaging and storage.

Ripe strawberries have a regular and uniform conical shape, amazing taste, pleasant aroma and bright red color with a sheen. The average weight of one ripe berry reaches 50 g.


New strawberry varieties: description and characteristics

Gardeners of central Our Country, including the Moscow region, appreciated this fruit crop, which came to our region from Holland. The Kimberley variety has good winter hardiness and has strong immunity to such a fungal disease as powdery mildew.

Thanks to its fresh, bright, rich taste, reminiscent of caramel, Kimberley strawberries are in high demand among consumers. Ripe berries of bright red color with a characteristic luster are distinguished by a pleasant and fragrant smell.


New strawberry varieties: description and characteristics

The Italian variety of strawberry Antea, whose seeds can be bought in many gardening stores, quickly fell in love with gardeners.

Juicy berries, characterized by interesting taste characteristics and a pleasant strawberry aroma, have a regular cone shape. Due to the dense texture of the pulp, the fruits withstand transportation over long distances without losing their presentation.

One of the key advantages of the variety is its high resistance to most leaf and root diseases.

Video “Rules for the care of strawberries in spring, summer and autumn”

In this video, an expert will tell you how to care for strawberries in different seasons.

How to care for strawberries in spring, summer and autumn

Late-ripening varieties

Do you want to enjoy the divine taste of garden strawberries for as long as possible? Try to plant on the territory of the garden plot not only early-ripening, but also remontant late-ripening varieties of strawberries.

So, varieties of remontant strawberries will please gardeners with several stages of fruiting, and late-ripening ones provide an opportunity to collect fragrant and tasty berries even at the end of the growing season.

Zenga Zengana

New strawberry varieties: description and characteristics

The variety Zenga Zengana of German selection has adapted well to the harsh climate. Due to its excellent frost resistance, this fruit crop is suitable for cultivation even in Siberia.

Zenga Zengan Strawberries are high yielding, highly resistant to many root diseases, and ideal for quick freezing.


New strawberry varieties: description and characteristics

Small-fruited remontant strawberry Cinderella is highly valued by consumers for its interesting gastronomic qualities and pleasant strawberry aroma. Despite their low weight, ripe berries have a beautiful presentation. The skin is colored in a red-orange shade with an intense gloss, while the achenes are planted deep inside.

This horticultural crop is characterized by good frost resistance and resistance to pathogens of most fungal diseases.


New strawberry varieties: description and characteristics

A foreign variety of strawberries of late ripening Talisman is suitable for the Moscow region. This fruit plant is distinguished not only by excellent winter hardiness, but also by abundant yields. As gardeners note, subject to the planting and growing techniques, the Talisman variety is resistant to powdery mildew and gray rot.

The berries are round-conical in shape, light red in color. However, in the process of fruiting, the fruits become smaller. So, if the first berries weigh about 20–25 g, then at the end of the growing season, fruits weighing no more than 8–10 g are harvested.

Mize Schindler

New strawberry varieties: description and characteristics

Not quite new, but having managed to prove itself well, the German variety of small-fruited strawberries Mitse Schindler is rapidly gaining the attention of gardeners.

This plant has many positive characteristics, among which it is worth highlighting the excellent yield, resistance to drought and frost, the ability to adapt to various temperature conditions, strong immunity to powdery mildew and gray rot, as well as amazing gastronomic qualities.


New strawberry varieties: description and characteristics

Late maturing variety Troubadour was bred by British breeders. In our area, this culture has become widespread in the North Caucasus region. It is highly valued by local gardeners for its excellent drought tolerance and good resistance to fungal infections common to most horticultural crops.

At the time of removable maturity, the berries are covered with a dark red skin with a rich sheen, while the flesh is pale pink. Due to its fresh and sour taste, the Troubadour strawberry is used in industrial production for the manufacture of various preservation.

Red Gauntlet

New strawberry varieties: description and characteristics

Red Gauntlet is a Scottish variety of late ripening strawberries. Berries can be eaten not only raw, but also processed into juices, fruit drinks, jams, jams and strawberry confiture.

This fruit crop is characterized by high winter hardiness, respectively, with proper care, it can be grown on the territory of central Our Country, Siberia and the Urals.

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