New snobbery: lying under the drip

Hangover and business meeting – no problem. Late night and divorce hearing – you can do it. Dehydration and triathlon – not so scary anymore. Heavy metal poisoning – quick detox is possible. You are a senior, you have problems with circulation and joints – you’ve come to the right place. Intravenous vitamin treatments will solve almost any problem. Supplements are already superseding in the US. No wonder – the organism absorbs orally ingested preparations in 10-30 percent, in half an hour they reach almost every cell of your body in a drip. Madonna, Cindy Crawford, Rihanna are regularly put under the drip. Poles swallow the most supplements in Europe, maybe it’s time to switch to more effective drips?

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1/ 6 How is it done?

– Substances administered in the form of drips, due to the fact that they immediately enter the bloodstream, act immediately, and the effects of their action are stronger and more spectacular than in the case of using dietary supplements. Why? Of the generally available synthetic vitamins that we take orally, we absorb only 10-30 percent. In addition, long-term use of “miracle pills” can be a burden on the kidneys and liver. The intravenous form not only eliminates the influence of digestive enzymes and digestive system dysfunctions, but also enables the delivery of vitamins and minerals directly into the bloodstream – explains Dr. Anna Danowska from the Vitamin Clinic in Warsaw. Vitamin shots are taken under the supervision of experienced specialists. During the first visit, you will have a medical consultation that will allow you to establish a treatment plan. If necessary, blood tests can be performed. Additionally, in case of doubts as to the patient’s health condition, the doctor may recommend other diagnostic tests. In the case of people who are slimming, genetic testing is also suggested. The offers of clinics offering IV therapy include cleansing, rejuvenating, slimming and regenerating organisms.

2/ 6 Intravenous facelift

Are wrinkles and sagging skin your problem? Before you reach for botox, it is worth trying less invasive methods. Giving a high dose of youth vitamins by intravenous injection can counteract the effects of the inevitable passage of time and improve the condition of your skin. Vitamin A, and in fact retinol and its derivatives, stimulate cell regeneration. Vitamin E delays the aging process. Vitamin C is essential for the skin to maintain its firmness, radiance and youthful appearance. Moreover, each of these vitamins is classified as antioxidant that protects all cells of our body against free radicals. – When we want to improve the condition of the veins, we usually use an infusion of vitamin C in increasing doses, of course controlling the results of laboratory tests, and also supplement, in the case of deficiencies, vitamin A and E – says Dr. Anna Danowska from the Vitamin Clinic in Warsaw.

3/ 6 Emergency oxygen

A revolutionary treatment is blood ozonation, which will allow you to feel the power of oxygen. Ozone therapy is great for bacterial and fungal infections, blood circulation disorders, migraines, atherosclerotic lesions or skin inflammations. It is also recommended for diabetics, smokers and hypertensive people. The procedure takes about half an hour and consists in the intravenous administration of ozonated saline. Effects – better oxygenation of tissues, increase of the body’s resistance, reduction of inflammatory processes, as well as cleansing of bacteria and fungi.

4/ 6 Hydro-regeneration

You train Thai boxing, run with Endomondo, or maybe do crossfit. Even if your favorite activity is a morning walk with your dog. It’s worth considering hydration. During an hour of training, an adult loses on average about 1-1,5 liters of fluid. Intensive effort results in losses of 3-4 liters. Drinking plain still will not provide the body with the necessary minerals and energy. Therefore, apart from water, it is worth replacing the missing electrolytes. Intravenous administration of a physiological saline solution or glucose to a patient is the fastest method of supporting the treatment of the consequences of dehydration, such as weakness or impaired coordination of movements. Athletes especially need B, C and E vitamins. These are nutrients involved in energy, antioxidant and enzyme rebuilding processes. Of course, you should remember not to take them at the same time due to limited digestibility. The best solution for vitamin supplementation in the diet of athletes is the use of the so-called intravenous vitamin cocktails.

5/ 6 Blood detox

Where do heavy metals come from in your body? From the diet, plant and animal products, but also from the air, tobacco smoke and water. Heavy metal isotopes such as mercury, lead or cadmium are deposited in internal organs, leading to poisoning, cancer and diseases of the nervous and circulatory systems. During chelation, chelators (the amino acid EDTA and ALA acid) are used, i.e. active substances that chemically capture certain metals and minerals. Even if you live in Krakow, where the smog is the largest in Poland, you can cleanse your body. In the United States, chelation therapy was already used in the 2870s. According to a study by American cardiologists, conducted on a group of 93,5 people, after the therapy, 91 percent of patients with angina, 54 percent of patients with angina pectoris improved. with circulatory disorders of the lower extremities, XNUMX percent with impaired cerebral circulation. – The type of drips ordered depends mainly on the general condition of the patient, medications he uses or stimulants he uses. The results of laboratory tests should also be taken into account, says Dr. Anna Danowska from the Vitamin Clinic in Warsaw.

6/ 6 Each according to a shortage

Women, men and seniors may have various vitamin deficiencies, 100% of which are will not be supplemented by the daily diet. Vitamin cocktails tailored to individual needs are the perfect solution. Within 30 minutes, your body starts to regenerate and you can easily get back on your feet. While women’s needs vary depending on the biological cycle, men’s vitamin needs are fairly constant throughout their lives. Vitamin A perfectly regenerates men’s skin and prevents excessive baldness to a moderate extent. Men should also supplement vitamins C and E, which we usually lack due to inadequate diet, and minerals such as sodium, potassium, magnesium. For seniors, vitamin C is decisive, combating free radicals in the body, and A and E, which improves eyesight. Another important ingredient is vitamin D, necessary for the proper functioning of the skeletal system, protecting against osteoporosis.

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