New «Sex and the City»: is there life after 50?

As soon as it became known that the television series about the life of four friends would be continued, a wave of criticism fell upon its creators: “Who would be interested in watching the aged heroines?”, “This story is over”, “What is sex at 50?” Psychologist Ekaterina Antropova discusses why it is so unusual for us to see women «aged» on the screens.

Here and there I read articles about the continuation of the legendary series “Sex and the City” — the heroines will reappear on the screens after 23 years. The project is called “That’s right…” (And Just Like That…), the show starts this fall.

What is known about him: that the series will have 10 episodes, there will be no Samantha in it, the rest of the actors will remain — and new ones will appear. But this is not what is curious, but the reaction to the news about the continuation.

I see quite a lot of posts and articles written in the spirit: “Oh, who needs these old wallets?”, “Is it interesting to look at such heroines? They already have a menopause, they are old and scary, and everything is there — sex, relationships, and it’s time for them to think about their souls and grandchildren!

When I read this, I remember Zhvanetsky’s monologue: “A whole generation has suddenly disappeared from us. We pretend like nothing happened. Women disappear. Missing women after fifty. They have disappeared from the screens, they don’t go to the movies, they don’t appear in theaters. Where are they?»

What to do if the old role models — sit with your grandchildren and think about the soul — do not suit you?

And indeed, there is a certain line, stepping over which, a woman becomes invisible. For example, the Daily Mail once published data from a survey of 2000 women over 40. Its participants said that 46 years is exactly the age when they feel that neither they themselves, nor their views and opinions are of interest to others anymore.

The survey was conducted 10 years ago. On the one hand, not very long ago. On the other hand, it seems to me that in recent years attitudes to age have begun to change. People mature later — and later enter the age of maturity and old age. Retirement time is being pushed back (hello, economic changes!), along with it, the death line is being pushed back — thanks to medical advances, we are living longer.

And quite naturally the question arises — how to live this very large piece of life? What to do if the old role models — «sit with your grandchildren and think about the soul» — do not suit you?

And they, according to polls, are not suitable for more and more Russian women. The researchers write that we are witnessing a global shift when a certain age stratum refuses to follow stereotypes about themselves.

In fact, life does not end at retirement and pre-retirement age.

It seems to me that mass art gives visibility to this process. For example, the series «Sex and the City» once already made visible women of «substandard» age: for the first time, the main characters of the series about sex and relationships were not teenagers or students, but women over 30.

If we consider serials as a mirror of popular culture, then it must be said that the theme of maturity and old age in this mirror has generally begun to be reflected more often than before.

Boston Lawyers, Grace and Frankie, and The Kominsky Method show characters facing Alzheimer’s, arthritis, and contemplating whether they have the right to leave with dignity through euthanasia. They bury spouses and friends, build relationships with adult children, find ways to deal with their sexual abilities and needs.

It turned out that lively and interesting stories can be told about all this — because, in general, life does not end at retirement and pre-retirement age. Now the heroes over 50 will be joined by Carrie, Miranda, Charlotte and their men. And, answering the question of who will look at them, I answer — me.

I will look at them. I’m curious what they’ll show us, because the heroes of books, films and shows are the ones who form new role models. Once upon a time, the girls from Sex and the City managed to become such role models for a whole generation.

Let’s see what stories they tell us next.

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