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During Tuesday’s press conference, the President of the Council of Ministers, Mateusz Morawiecki, announced further restrictions for Poles related to the prevention of the spread of the coronavirus epidemic. Forests, parks, squares and boulevards will be closed. What else?

«There is no vaccine for the coronavirus, and there is no cure. This. what we can do is isolate ourselves – said the Minister of Health, Łukasz Szumowski, during the press conference.

What restrictions await Poles in connection with the coronavirus epidemic? Here are the most important:

  1. the basic rule is the principle of distancing oneself – in each of the public places, keep a 2-meter distance from other places,
  2. “We have not kept social discipline” – said Mateusz Morawiecki during the conference, therefore they are closed parks, squares, boulevards and foreststhat is, all those places where Poles have so far been eager to gather,
  3. minors are forbidden to leave the house without parental care
  4. bike rentals are closed
  5. in stores begins to apply limit of 3 people for every cash register
  6. are closed beauty and hairdressing shops, tattoo parlors
  7. w post offices 2 people will be allowed to stay in one window
  8. na bazaars – limitation of 3 people to one stall
  9. store customers will have to assume one time gloves
  10. shop owners have a responsibility disinfecting dispensers, payment terminals after each client
  11. they will be closed on weekends DIY stores
  12. shops. drugstores and pharmacies between 10-12 hours they will be available only to people over 60 years of age
  13. are closed hotels and accommodation (the ban will not apply to staff accommodation and places where people are placed during quarantine)
  14. people who will be entering Poland from today will be subjected compulsory quarantine for a period of 2 weeks – they will be isolated or quarantined with all co-inhabitants
  15. in vehicles private carriers There are restrictions such as those applicable so far in public means of transport – only half of the available seats may be occupied
  16. all are canceled rehabilitation treatmentswhich are not urgent
  17. “If we have to – let’s leave, but this is not the time to take care of the form” – answered Łukasz Szumowski when asked if strip walks, jogging and cycling

The restrictions are effective from April 1, except for hotel closures and workplace restrictions. These are valid from April 2.

  1. The state of the epidemic in Poland – what does it mean?
  2. A funeral in times of epidemics – how to organize it, what are the regulations?
  3. Can you go for walks during the coronavirus epidemic?
  4. Coronavirus outbreak. An experiment in an Italian town showed that isolation made sense

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