New realities: how to stop being nervous during the SARS season?

Even calm and self-possessed people can find it difficult to cope with anxiety and feelings when information full of uncertainty and contradictions comes from all sides. Will the upcoming viral season be similar to the previous ones? How big are the risks of catching new or old viruses? We tell you how to cope with your own anxiety and regain ground under your feet.

The XNUMX P Method: Practice Forward Planning

One of the most popular and effective ways to cope with anxiety is to present all possible scenarios in as much detail as possible and write clear action plans for each of them. This gives a feeling of self-confidence and control over what is happening. Here are a few things you can think about ahead of time:

  1. Find out and save in your smartphone (for elderly relatives – write in large in a conspicuous place) the phone numbers for calling a doctor from a polyclinic or VHI clinic.
  2. Check that all family members have CHI policies. Urgent medical care will be provided without them, but having them at hand helps to structure what is happening.
  3. If your region prescribes a regime of self-isolation with signs of SARS, think in advance how it will be more convenient for you to organize the life of your family.
  4. Select and test online services for the delivery of groceries, medicines and other necessary things. Arrange with friends or neighbors about walking the dog.
  5. If you are worried about elderly relatives living apart, ask your local social services about volunteering.

Create a calm information field around you

Do not read a huge number of news portals, city forums and local chats. A chaotic flow of often unverified information and its emotional discussion by other people can greatly increase anxiety and create a negative informational background.

Choose one or two main sources that are discreet and do not publish unverified data. Do not refresh the pages every half an hour – read the news no more than once or twice a day and in no case do this at night.

Avoid engaging in emotional conversations about the virus at home and at work. Calmly stop colleagues and relatives if the intensity of emotions goes beyond reasonable limits, and you absolutely do not want to listen to queues in medical institutions or discuss forecasts for the future of the planet.

Build your own knowledge base

Awareness and confidence in your knowledge can significantly reduce anxiety and gain confidence in the situation. A clear understanding of how our body, or rather, the immune system, actually works and “meets” viruses helps us not to be afraid of the upcoming season of viral diseases.

First of all, it is important to understand that our immunity is faced with hundreds of different viruses, bacteria and other potential “enemies” every day, in any epidemiological situation and at any time of the year. Therefore, it is pointless to be afraid of the “flu and SARS season”: good immunity is important at any time of the year.

In addition, you need to understand how the human immune system works in principle. In simple terms, it repels viral attacks by producing special proteins – interferons. These proteins help the body stop the virus from replicating and spreading through various body systems.

Accordingly, one of the possible ways to prevent and treat influenza and respiratory viral diseases (which include the coronavirus family *) is to maintain the required level of interferons in the body. For this, specialists can prescribe special drugs, interferon inducers, for example, Tsitovir-3.

This is a complex action drug that contains three components that are important for supporting the immune system:

  • bendazole activates the production of its own interferon in the body and has an immunomodulatory property (helps the body fight various infectious agents);
  • thymogen (alpha-glutamyl-tryptophan) complements the action of bendazole by binding to the T-cell link of the immune system;
  • ascorbic acid has antioxidant properties and protects cells from the negative effects of viruses and toxins (viral decay products).

Simply put, Cytovir-3 helps the body produce its own interferon to fight respiratory viral diseases, increases resistance and antioxidant protection of cells. Capsules “Citovir-3” are approved for use by adults and children over 6 years old, and children’s forms (syrup and powder) – from 1 year old.

We hope that detailed planning, a calm informational background and knowledge of effective methods for preventing and treating influenza and SARS will help you meet the upcoming viral season calmly and confidently!

* Coronaviruses (Coronaviridae) are a large family of RNA viruses that can infect both animals (their natural hosts) and humans. Currently, four coronaviruses (HCoV-229E, -OC43, -NL63 and -HKU1) are known to circulate among the population, which are present all year round in the ARVI structure and, as a rule, cause mild to moderate upper respiratory tract damage.

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