New question in the pre-vaccination questionnaire for COVID-19. It is associated with AstraZeneca
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After the European Medicines Agency issued a communication on thrombosis after vaccination with AstraZeneca on 7 April, the Ministry of Health extended the pre-vaccination qualification questionnaire. There was a new question on the list, closely related to a serious complication. The question about returning from abroad has disappeared.

  1. A screening questionnaire will be completed prior to COVID-19 vaccination
  2. Answers to the questions in it are intended to determine if a patient is eligible for COVID-19 vaccination now or in the future (e.g. after symptoms of infection have ceased)
  3. The latest reports on the AstraZeneki vaccine prompted Ministry of Health to expand the questionnaire to include a question related to thrombosis
  4. More current information can be found on the Onet homepage.

Pre-vaccination screening questionnaire for COVID-19. Why is it filled?

For a patient to be vaccinated for COVID-19, they must first pass a medical qualification. This process can be accelerated if we complete the questionnaire available at before going to the vaccination point. The updated questionnaire consists of 19 questions. They concern, inter alia, chronic diseases, medications or past vaccine reactions.

Among the questions is also about the current state of health. Active infection is an indication for postponing vaccination and carrying it out at another date.

  1. See also: Cardiologist about the AstraZeneki vaccine. Who shouldn’t take and why are blood clots more common in women?

Based on the patient’s response, the vaccinating physician decides whether the person can receive the preparation.

Questions qualifying for vaccination against COVID-19 [FULL LIST]

The screening questionnaire consists of three parts, the first two of which can be completed outside the vaccination point. The first part is the introductory questions. There are seven of them. Compared to the previous version of the questionnaire, the time since the positive test result has been shortened (from four to three months). The question about staying outside the country has also disappeared.

  1. Have you had a positive genetic or antigen test for SARS-CoV-3 in the last 2 months?
  2. In the last 14 days, have you had close contact or live with a person who tested positive for SARS-CoV-2 genetic or antigen test or live with a person who had symptoms of COVID-19 during this period (listed in questions 3-5)?
  3. Have you had an elevated body temperature or fever in the last 14 days?
  4. In the last 14 days, have you had a new, persistent cough or an increase in chronic cough due to a recognized chronic disease?
  5. In the last 14 days, have you experienced a loss of sense of smell or taste?
  6. Have you received any vaccine in the last 14 days?
  7. Do you have a cold today or do you have diarrhea, vomiting?
  1. The editorial board recommends: USA: CDC and FDA call for suspension of vaccination with Johnson & Johnson preparation. The reason for the subsequent cases of thrombosis

The second part of the questionnaire is about the health of the person who wants to be vaccinated against COVID-19. This is where the new thrombosis question arises. The first question was modified – there is no clarification about the possible worsening of the course of the chronic disease (this has been considered as a separate question). In the previous version of the questionnaire, the current body temperature also did not fit. The second question was extended to include adverse vaccination reactions also after the COVID-19 preparation.

  1. Do you feel sick today? (body temperature measured at the vaccination point: …………oC)
  2. Have you ever had a severe adverse reaction after vaccination (also applies to the first dose of the COVID-19 vaccine)? If so, what kind?
  3. Are you allergic to polyethylene glycol (PEG), polysorbate or other substances in the vaccine?
  4. Have you in the past been diagnosed with a severe, generalized allergic reaction (anaphylactic shock) to medicine, food or an insect bite?
  5. Do you have an exacerbation of your chronic disease?
  6. Do you receive immunosuppressants (immunosuppressants, oral corticosteroids – e.g. prednisone, dexamethasone), anti-cancer drugs (cytostatic), post-transplant drugs, radiotherapy (irradiation) or biological treatment for arthritis, inflammatory bowel disease? (eg Crohn’s disease) or psoriasis?
  7. Do you have hemophilia or other serious bleeding disorders?
  8. Have you been diagnosed with heparin-induced thrombocytopenia (HIT) or cerebral vein thrombosis?
  9. (only for women) Are you pregnant?
  10. (only for women) Are you breastfeeding your baby?

The questionnaire ends with two questions that are already answered at the vaccination point.

  1. Do you have any doubts about the questions asked?
  2. Did you get answers to the questions you asked?

At the bottom of the questionnaire there is a space for the signature of the person completing the form and the person checking the form, as well as a declaration of voluntary COVID-19 vaccination.

The questionnaire can be downloaded: here.

Also read:

  1. COVID-19 can cause thyroid problems
  2. Such weather is conducive to coronavirus infection
  3. Virologist: other countries get vaccinated and we’ll wait three to four years for the pandemic to end by itself
  4. The U.S. military is working on a new COVID-19 vaccine
  5. What’s more likely? Death in an accident or side effects after vaccination with AstraZeneka?

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