New quarantine rules for household members. How does it all work in practice?
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Amendments to the Regulation of the Council of Ministers of On November 2, they introduce new quarantine rules for people who live with someone confirmed to be infected with SARS-CoV-2. According to the regulation, automatic quarantine will be imposed on such persons. How will it work in practice?

  1. From November 2, households living with a person who tested positive for COVID-19 will be automatically quarantined
  2. Release from quarantine may take place seven days after the end of isolation by a person with an illness
  3. Information about the imposed quarantine can be transferred by phone, using an automatic machine
  4. Have you been in contact with a person infected with COVID-19? Or are you a person who lives with an infected person? Share your story on [email protected]
  5. For more up-to-date information on COVID-19, please visit the TvoiLokony home page

Quarantine shortening – extending the quarantine

Until now, it was usually the case that household members living with a person infected with the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus could safely leave the house until the sanitary service called the patient. It was then that the interview was collected and the household members were quarantined. As I am in quarantine myself, and my roommate has tested positive for COVID-19, I have learned the hard way how “intelligence gathering” works.

For the sake of it. The roommate on Friday (23.10) had a test performed. On Sunday (October 25.10), information about the test result and isolation was posted on, which was applied by November 2. Sanepid did not call that day, but it is rather normal, it was Sunday after all. The contact from the Department of Health did not take place until Thursday (October 29.10). First, the lady spoke to my roommate, then asked my husband and finally me on the phone. We were both informed that we were in a quarantine from 29.10/12.11 to 14/31.10. It is not difficult to count – 9.11 days. On Sunday, we both checked our profiles on the Patient Online Account. I am quarantined from October 29.10st to November 12.11th and my husband from October XNUMXth to November XNUMXth. Why? We do not know.

Theoretically, between Sunday and Thursday (Saturday in my case), we were able to move freely among people, because we did not officially have a quarantine. This is to change from November 2. Not only is the person who receives a referral for a COVID-19 test automatically quarantined until he performs the test and receives the result, but from yesterday, the household member receives an automatic quarantine after the person with whom he / she lives receives a positive test result on COVID-19.

Content of the change:

«4a. A person who runs a shared household with a person diagnosed with or lives with the SARS-CoV-2 virus, from the day the person diagnosed with SARS-CoV-2 infection obtained a positive result of the diagnostic test for SARS-CoV- 2, is obliged to undergo quarantine for a period of up to 7 days from the end of the isolation of the person with whom he runs a common household or resides. The decision of the sanitary inspection authority does not appear. »

As Minister Niedzielski said during the conference:

– We want the household of an infected person to no longer have to wait for a call from the sanitary department about quarantine, but it will be automatic. If you have a household member with a positive test result, stay at home (…), the quarantine will be started automatically.

Are you infected with the coronavirus or someone close to you has COVID-19? Or maybe you work in the health service? Would you like to share your story or report any irregularities that you have witnessed or affected? Write to us at: [email protected]. We guarantee anonymity!

On the fanpage of the Chief Sanitary Inspectorate, there was information that people who have obtained a positive COVID-19 test result can report their household members online, using a special form.

The recipe itself is too enigmatic. In addition, it extends the quarantine for contact persons – quarantine may end seven days after the end of isolation by the household member. If the isolation is extended, the quarantine will also be extended. Even in the most optimistic scenario, it will last 20 days.

  1. “The coronavirus was like a shot in the back of the head – sudden and severe” [LETTER TO MEDTvoiLokony]
Quarantine and contact with the police

Daniel, his wife and two children have been in isolation for over a week. During that time, the police contacted them once, by phone. Daniel admits that he was a bit surprised because he heard from friends that the police show up every day, you have to wave them from the window and prove that you are in the place of isolation.

– While in March or April the police actually scrupulously checked people on isolation or in quarantine, now they probably do not have the capacity to cover everyone – says Daniel.

Quarantine information provided by the machine

The second novelty is the automatic transmission of information about the quarantine. While collecting the interview, a lady from the Department of Health asked for my data, incl. Phone number. A few days after this contact, I was called +48 22 10 43 705. It turned out to be a machine that informs me that a home quarantine has been imposed on me.

«Quarantine has been imposed. Please do not leave your place of residence and follow the sanitary recommendations. The police may contact you. You can download the confirmation of the quarantine imposition from the Patient Online Account. Download and activate the mandatory application Home Quarantine… »- said the message.

According to, we can get a phone call with the quarantine decision every day between 9:20 and 30:XNUMX. The machine will try to contact us twice. You can also call back the number provided. If the number we are calling from is in the database, we will hear a message about the imposition of quarantine.


The decision to impose quarantine also appears on the Patient’s Internet Account. It is worth taking a look there, even after a call from the sanitary department, to find out exactly from when and until when the quarantine applies to us. It is worth checking, especially when there is a high probability that we have been quarantined or isolated.

A verbal notification of the imposition of a quarantine is binding. This means that if we do not follow the rules of the quarantine and, for example, we are not at home during the police visit, we may be punished with an administrative penalty imposed by the Department of Health and Safety (let us remind you that the fine can be up to PLN 30).

– With us, the machine first called my wife, in a few days to me, and then to my wife again to inform that the isolation was also imposed on my son. Nobody has contacted about her daughter, but we know that she is also insulated. If I was irresponsible and did not check and ask myself, I would not know when and how much insulation was imposed on me and the children – adds Daniel.

According to the data of the Ministry of Health, 421 582 people are currently quarantined. 46 697 is under epidemiological supervision.

The editorial board recommends:

  1. 19 health care workers have died in Poland due to COVID-36
  2. Dr. Artur Szewczyk on a serious case of COVID-19: the lungs can be figuratively compared to a boiling soup
  3. Statistics of deaths due to COVID-19 in Poland compared to Europe. The second wave hit us harder

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