New payment of 10 thousand rubles to families with children: how to get it

New payment of 10 thousand rubles to families with children: how to get it

Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin signed a new order: a new payment has been assigned to families with children. This year 50,16 billion rubles will be spent on this allowance.

Parents will be able to apply for an allowance of almost 10 thousand rubles, and it will be paid monthly. The government has allocated an additional 2,58 billion rubles for these purposes. What are the resolutions on September 22 and 23 signed by Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin and who is entitled to the payment?

What is this payment

This is not the same “helicopter” money that parents received in June and July for each child under 16 years of age. Then, recall, it was a one-time payment. It was introduced on behalf of President Vladimir Putin as a way to support families during the coronavirus pandemic. By the way, those who have not yet had time to submit an application through “State Services” or whose child has just been born can still jump into the last carriage – applications are accepted until September 30. The payment, then, will come in October.

So, in the order signed by Mikhail Mishustin, we are talking about an allowance for families where the third or subsequent baby was born.

Who is entitled to the allowance

Being a large family, that is, having three or more children, is not enough to receive benefits. There are two more conditions.

  • First: the program is designed for the poor, which means that when submitting documents, you need to prove that the average per capita income of a family is below the subsistence level in the region. This does not mean that only people with a small salary can become recipients.

Here’s an example: in Moscow the cost of living per capita is 17 rubles. Take a family with three children and two adults. Only dad works, mom takes care of the house and children. The father earns 129 thousand rubles a month. In this case, each family member accounts for 60 thousand rubles, which is less than the cost of living. Conclusion: the family can count on state support.

  • Second: the family must live in the region participating in the program. And this is a major change.

Which regions are involved

In general, monthly payments for large families were introduced back in 2013 (remember the presidential decree No. 606). But! Benefits were then accrued only in 50 regions of the country. Why is that? It’s just that the government program was created to support those territories where the demographic situation is not the best: the birth rate is low, in families, at best, there are one or two children. The population is declining …

In 2014, one more region was added to this list, then two more, as a result, by 2020 their number has grown to 62. What unites them is that the birth rate here is below 2.

And now there are already 76 such regions – this is spelled out in order dated 23 Septembersigned by Mikhail Mishustin. That is, this payment will be assigned to many families for the first time: from now on, their region is on the list of program participants. A complete list of regions can be viewed here.

Two main questions

By order of September 22 additional money has been allocated to 36 regions that have already participated in the program. It’s just that the number of recipients has grown there – in other words, there are more families with many children. So that it does not turn out that some are given money (the budget was laid down last year), and others were not, another 2,58 billion rubles were added from the federal treasury for this purpose.

Benefit amount

This amount depends on the subsistence level in the region. But the average is 10,4 thousand rubles. In Moscow, respectively, the amount is higher, in the regions it is slightly lower.

How to get

We collect a package of documents and carry them to the MFC or immediately to the social security authorities.

  • Birth certificates of all children. If the child is adopted, then the adoption certificate.

  • Applicants’ passports and copies.

  • A certificate of the composition of the family is issued at the passport office, the MFC, in the Criminal Code or through the “State Services”.

  • A certificate from the place of residence – at the MFC, the passport office, through the “State Services” or in the Criminal Code.

  • Certificate of income for the last 3 months.

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