New law on inheritance, which entered into force on September 1, 2018

Hello dear readers! 01.09. In 2018, a new inheritance law came into force. These are new amendments to the law on property inheritance.

Inheritance law

This will mainly affect Russian businessmen. Now the concept of “inheritance fund” will appear in the law on inheritance. Anyone who wishes can, during their lifetime, of their own free will appoint a legal entity that will manage the property after the death of the owner.

New law on inheritance, which entered into force on September 1, 2018

In the will, the owner of the property and business specifies how business affairs should be conducted. Who is responsible for the disposal of income immediately after the death of the testator. Stewards can be any person designated by the owner, they do not have to be relatives.

In the case when the relatives, even during the life of the testator, refuse to conduct business, but want to profit from the business, this is indicated when drawing up a will.

The will includes a list of heirs and the size of their share. This law was adopted in order to avoid the creation of funds and trusts by Russian businessmen abroad. He also warns the withdrawal of finances from Russia.

Previously, businessmen specifically created offshore accounts so that the heirs did not lose profit from the business income after the main creator or founder died.

The statute of the inheritance fund does not change after the death of its creator. Therefore, when compiling it, you should pay attention to all the little things. The new amendments also consist in the fact that now the business is inherited within three days after the death of the testator.

Previously, this period was six months and the heirs could simply lose a business that no one was running.

After the death of the owner, the notary appointed by him, within 3 working days, registers the estate fund as a legal entity. After the registration of the foundation, it and the business can immediately be managed by those whom the deceased appointed in the will.


The owner of several apartments (an individual) who makes money by renting them out can also create a fund. After the death of the testator, the foundation will continue to receive income from asset management and will pay certain amounts to the persons named in the testamentary document.

You can bequeath real estate, cars, money, jewelry, etc. Property rights and obligations are transferred to the heirs. For example, the obligation to continue to pay off the mortgage loan if the inherited apartment was purchased on a mortgage.


Here is additional information to the article New Inheritance Law

Everything you need to know about the new inheritance law

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