The purpose of this regulatory change is to provide consumers with objective, clear, understandable and truthful information on all foods that are marketed in the European Union.
As of December 13, 2014, the new Regulation of the European Union (EU) No. 1169/2011 on food information that must be provided to consumers to expand their information base at the time of purchase will be applied.
The claim of the normative action to the protection of health, extends, of the individuals residing in the European Union due to this sanitary control by the manufacturers, as well as being able to extend a legal framework of defense regarding their claims against to what is stated in law.
Below we will briefly detail part of the scope of the regulation and at the end of the post we provide a link to the “Guide to information food provided to the consumer “ complete published by the new Spanish Agency for Consumption, Food Safety and Nutrition, AECOSAN and developed by the main organizations dedicated to the food industry and distribution, such as the Spanish Federation of Food and Beverage Industries (FIAB), the Association of Spanish Supermarket Chains (ACES), the National Association of Large Distribution Companies ( ANGED) and the Spanish Association of Distributors, Self-Service and Supermarkets (ASEDAS) .The guide was presented on March 18, by the executive director of AECOSAN, and its scope or intention is to reach as many people as possible so that have the information.
The fundamental aspects that the guide deals with are:
- On mandatory nutritional information for producers and manufacturers.
- Recommendations for products exempt from labeling.
- Construction and elaboration of more “legible” and “understandable” labels.
- The origin and provenance of the food,
- Allergenic components of which they are exempt or contain …
- And even the nanomaterials used in their production processes.
The information is aimed at operators and for the Administration that is in charge of control, but above all consumers in order to know what we buy, consume at home or away from home, helping insurance to protect “health” from a legal framework and “feeding” of our families.
Download the complete Guide here.