New generation urea – higher quality of hydration presented by the Cremobaza brand
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Niegdyś apteki oferowały skuteczne, ale nieprzyjemne w stosowaniu, tłuste i niezbyt miło pachnące mazidła. Te czasy już minęły. Nikt już nie chciałby smarować się maścią bazującą na smalcu wieprzowym! Wymogi konsumentów napędziły ewolucję technologii stosowanych w aptecznych preparatach, dając tym samym swój początek dermokosmetykom.

While oily preparations are a thing of the past, manufacturers have started to offer their customers newer, innovative products. Dermocosmetics have become synonymous with high efficiency, pharmacy quality, long-lasting action and an extremely pleasant application. Creams with a silky texture, ultra-fast absorption and a long-lasting protective coating are the result of applying the latest scientific achievements. One of such achievements was the creation of a new, structurally improved form of urea. The new derivative is characterized by an exceptionally high degree of skin moisturizing, much higher stability than urea (because ordinary urea in creams can break down into unpleasant-smelling ammonia) and leaving the skin velvety to the touch.

Hydroxyethylurea – because we are talking about it – is the domain of the dermocosmetic Cremobaza series, manufactured in accordance with the pharmaceutical standards of the Farmapol company. The series is dedicated to all people struggling with the problems of dry skin. The concentrations of 10%, 30%, 50% allow the selection of the appropriate preparation to the degree of dryness or even callous skin. A mild formula without fragrances, dyes and preservatives allows the use of creams by diabetics and people with sensitive or atopic skin.

Gdy odczuwasz, że Twoja twarz lub inne miejsca na ciele często stają się suche lub nawet szorstkie, wypróbuj Cremobaza 10%. Ta łagodna, ale skutecznie nawilżająca formuła dedykowana jest miejscom najbardziej wrażliwym, o cienkiej skórze. Codzienna pielęgnacja tym lekkim kremem powinna uporać się z nawracającymi problemami przesuszonej skóry. Osoby ze skórą delikatną i wrażliwą, ale i skłonną do przesuszenia z pewnością docenią Cremobazę 10-tkę.

When you struggle with the problem of dry or even very dry hands, feet, elbows or knees, check Cremobaza 30%. The higher concentration of the active substance means that it penetrates more effectively into the thicker layer of the epidermis, and the calloused surface softens and smoothes. It is this deep hydration that makes Cremobaza 30 suitable for more demanding tasks. This is evidenced by application studies, in which as many as 100% of people confirmed the moisturizing effect of Cremobase 30%. This product should be considered in particular by people who are currently using hand disinfectants. Cremobase will help to moisturize and rebuild the natural lipid layer of the skin.

When the skin of your feet, heels, knees or elbows turns horny, cracks and drives you crazy – test the strongest variant – Cremobaza 50%. The very high concentration of the active substance enhances its exfoliating effect. Problems with excessively dry, flaky skin should disappear within 2 weeks of treatment. Corns, calluses, and corns should also be over 50. Unlike exfoliating preparations with AHA acids, Cremobaza does not acidify the skin, thus acting more gently at the application site. All this is supported by simultaneous hydration and gentle lubrication of the skin. After an intensive treatment with Cremobaza 50%, it is worth switching to the daily care with the 10% or 30% option, which will keep the skin moisturized and smooth.

There is no doubt that most of us struggle with the problem of dryness. And as the saying goes – “simple solutions are the best”. The Cremobaza series combines such simplicity with effectiveness, a consistency pleasant to apply and an affordable price.

CREMOBAZA – a series of creams for special tasks!

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