New dangerous psychoactive substances

The Ministry of Health expanded the list of dangerous psychoactive substances. So far, there are 21 compounds on the list that negatively affect the nervous system and can be harmful to health and life.

The Ministry of Health explains the expansion of the list of reasons for the growing threat related to trade in the so-called afterburners. The prepared list of hazardous substances is part of the Act on Counteracting Drug Addiction. The list was supplemented with substances:

– FUB-AMB – has been identified in Poland 15 times. It belongs to the group of synthetic cannabinoids and acts on the central nervous system.

– 5F-ADB – is a psychoactive drug that can cause mood changes, depression and apathy, and hallucinations. It can lead to kidney damage, cardiovascular and respiratory disorders. She was identified 9 times in Poland.

– FU-F – is an opioid analgesic. It causes euphoria, affects the respiratory system, slows down the heart rate, is mentally and physically addictive. Deaths after taking it have been reported in Sweden and the USA.

– 4-CEC – may cause cardiac arrhythmias, prolonged panic attacks and muscle spasms, vomiting and diarrhea.

– PV8 – has a stimulating effect. It can cause visual hallucinations and psychosis, insomnia, tachycardia, loss of consciousness, and suppresses appetite and thirst.

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