New COVID-19 infection map. A disastrous situation all over Europe
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The new infection map for the European Union shows that the coronavirus is spreading throughout the area. We are seeing the worst epidemic since the beginning of the fourth wave. The highest infection rates are in Poland and most Central European countries. It is also getting worse in the west of our continent. There, countries are already fighting the fifth wave of the pandemic.

  1. The ECDC map, published every week, is prepared on the basis of data on COVID-19 infections in the last 14 days in European Union countries
  2. Poland is already all dark red, we are at the peak of the fourth wave of infections
  3. The same is happening in the countries in our neighborhood
  4. The situation is best in Italy, but it is worse there than the week before
  5. The recently detected Omikron variant in Europe is still individual cases
  6. More current information can be found on the Onet homepage.

Coronavirus in Europe. What does the ECDC map inform about?

The European Center for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) publishes an updated map of coronavirus infections in European Union countries every week. It is a reliable source of information about the situation related to the COVID-19 pandemic in this part of Europe.

The ECDC map is based on data that EU countries report to the European Surveillance System (TESSy). On its basis, the rulers in individual countries decide to introduce new restrictions, change the rules regarding quarantine for people coming from abroad, etc.

The latest map shows that the coronavirus has spread throughout the EU without exception. In the eastern part, it is responsible for the fourth wave, in the west, the fifth wave of COVID-19 has already started.

New infection map. Very bad in Poland

As predicted by virologists and mathematical forecasts, the peak of the fourth wave in Poland was to take place at the turn of November and December. And in fact, on December 1, the Ministry of Health informed about a record number of COVID-19 infections this fall – 29 fell ill. 64 people. 570 coronavirus patients have died. It is also a record for this wave.

In the following days, the number of new cases exceeded 27. The daily average for the last week remains above 23 thousand.

  1. Infections and deaths in November. We compare the peak of the fourth wave to the previous waves

The coronavirus has already seriously affected all of Poland, as can be seen on the latest ECDC map. The dark red color represents the region where infections are highest. Our entire country is already marked with this color, just a week ago two voivodeships – Lubuskie and Świętokrzyskie – were bright red.

Further part below the video.

COVID-19 in Europe. Infections are growing almost everywhere

A week ago, when analyzing the current ECDC map, we wrote: “Europe has not been so bad yet”. Unfortunately, it gets even worse now. The SARS-CoV-2 virus reigns supreme across the continent, especially in its central part.

Not only is Poland all dark red, this also applies to almost all neighboring countries. The highest infection rates are found throughout the Czech Republic, Hungary, Austria, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Croatia, Slovenia and Denmark. Our only neighbor, where part of the area is still bright red, is Germany.

  1. Omicron is crazy about South Africa. The increase in new cases is dramatic – they have doubled in a day

Iceland, Ireland, Belgium, the Netherlands and Greece are also dark red.

It is a bit better in Norway and Bulgaria, there you can see the regions marked in bright red.

Romania, Finland, Portugal and Sweden are all bright red, with the first three countries continuing the situation from last week, while Sweden has worsened – previously there was one region highlighted in yellow.

Latest ECDC Map:

This is what the map looked like a week ago:

Coronavirus in Europe. Italy and Spain are the exception

Western European countries were the first to deal with the fourth wave of coronavirus. There, the peak of the infections took place during the holidays. After a relatively quiet October, France, Italy and Spain were again attacked by COVID-19. The fifth wave of the pandemic has been seen there for several weeks, and infections are constantly growing.

  1. More and more vaccinated people end up in hospital. There are two main reasons

In Spain, the bright red color covers an increasing part of the country (it also appeared in dark red in the north of the country), currently only the western Extremadura region is marked in yellow. Italy is in a slightly better situation. It is the only country in the EU where almost half of the territory is marked in yellow and there is still no region with the darkest color.

France has “lost” its yellow color. Normandy in the north used to be slightly better, now France is only light or dark red.

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Coronavirus. ECDC map – what do the colors mean?

The ECDC map is prepared on the basis of data on COVID-19 infections from the last 14 days.

  1. Countries marked in green have fewer than 50 infections per 100 cases in the past two weeks. residents with a simultaneous percentage of positive COVID-19 tests of less than 4 (or less than 75 infections per 100 thousand, but with less than 1% of positive COVID-19 tests).
  2. Yellow (orange) color is given to those regions where the number of infections has exceeded 50 but is still less than 75 per 100. residents with a simultaneous percentage of positive tests amounting to 1%. and more or infections range between 75 and 200, and the percentage of positive results is less than 4%.
  3. Countries in which the number of new infections ranges from 200 to 500 per 100 are marked in red. inhabitants or where it is less than 200 and greater than 75, but at the same time the percentage of positive tests is over 4 percent.
  4. Dark red color is marked where there are more than 500 cases per 100 thousand. residents.

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