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Loss of smell is the most reliable symptom of COVID-19, scientists and doctors suggested in the fall. Today it seems outdated. And this is due to the spreading British mutation SARS-CoV-2. Infection with it gives slightly different symptoms, say medics and call for vigilance. What symptoms are typical of an infection with the B.1.1.7 mutation and what has changed?
- In the course of infection with the British variant of the coronavirus, smell and taste disorders are less common
- Patients are more likely to experience cough, fatigue, sore throat and muscles, fever, and sinus involvement
- Doctor’s call: if you experience flu symptoms, do not underestimate them and see a doctor. This will save you from complications
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COVID-19 symptoms. Sudden loss of taste is no longer an indicator of infection
The UK variant of the coronavirus that is spreading around the world is more contagious. However, that’s not the only thing that sets it apart from the original SARS-CoV-2. Already in January, scientists warned that infection with the B.1.1.7 mutation had slightly different symptoms.
The World Health Organization identifies three main symptoms of COVID-19 infection. These are fever, dry cough, fatigue. It is worth recalling, however, that experts noted another important symptom of the disease: a sudden loss of smell and taste, which was usually not accompanied by a runny nose or a stuffy nose.
The analysis of London’s King’s College showed that 60 percent. people with coronavirus have lost their sense of smell or taste. In the fall, scientists from University College London (UCL) suggested that disturbance of these senses is the most important and the most reliable symptom of coronavirus infection. Such a conclusion was drawn on the basis of the conducted research.
The researchers studied 590 people who reported problems with smell or taste at the beginning of the pandemic. In 80 percent SARS-CoV-2 specific antibodies were detected. In the group of people with antibodies, as much as 40 percent. showed no other symptoms of infection. – It is important that we pay attention to even the smallest changes in the functioning of the senses of smell or taste and start quarantine immediately. Especially if we stop smelling such smells as perfume, bleach, toothpaste or coffee – warned Prof. Rachel Batterham.
The situation changed with the appearance of the British coronavirus mutation (referred to as B.1.1.7). Doctors point out that today, as this variant spreads more and more around the world, infections are less often accompanied by changes in the sense of smell and taste. Other symptoms, more typical for B.1.1.7, should attract attention.
The British variant of the coronavirus was first identified in September 2020. The British Minister of Health announced its detection in mid-December. In January, an analysis by the Office for National Statistics (ONS, the British government agency that collects statistical information) appeared, showing the difference between the old variants and the new mutation. It was about symptoms.
The study found that in patients who contracted British variant B.1.1.7. in fact, smell and taste disturbances are less common, and they experience more cough, fatigue, sore throat and muscle pain.
If you look at the details of the study, they are as follows.
In the group of about 3,5 thousand people infected with the new variant of the coronavirus:
- 35 percent had a cough
- 32 percent felt tired
- 25 percent had muscle aches
- 21,8 percent struggled with a sore throat
Among 2,5 thousand people infected with an older variant of the pathogen:
- 28 percent had a cough
- 29 percent felt tired
- 21 percent had muscle aches
- 19 percent had a sore throat
The study also showed that 16 percent. people with the new variant lost their sense of taste, and 15 percent. – sense of smell. This is less than the original coronavirus infection.
If you notice any disturbing symptoms, do the test and check if the coronavirus is causing them. You can buy COVID-19 shipping tests today at Medonet Market.
- Symptoms of the British coronavirus mutation. What to look for? [WE EXPLAIN]
Now, a few weeks after the publication of these studies, doctors confirm that these symptoms are more common in mutation B.1.1.7 infection. Medics emphasize that they are similar to flu symptoms.
– Neurological disturbances in the form of loss of smell and / or taste are less frequent. However, the following are more common: sore throat, sometimes with bleeding of the mucosa, and sinus involvement – said the guest of the program “COVID-19: expert’s comment”, prof. Andrzej Fal.
- How to protect yourself from the more contagious British mutation? Important expert advice
There is a danger with this. In an interview with Medonet, they were pointed out by the Director of the Health Department of the Pomeranian Voivodship Office, MD med. Jerzy Karpiński. – These symptoms seem to be minor. Meanwhile, they absolutely cannot be underestimated. You have to report it to the primary health care physician – if it turns out that it is a coronavirus, a different standard of treatment is implemented – immediately very serious (hospitalization, administration of oxygen in large amounts) and these patients recover quickly – he explained.
Hence his appeal: – If you experience flu symptoms, do not underestimate them and during the first or second day, see a doctor. This will save you from complications.
Researchers say ailments related to hearing, such as hearing loss and tinnitus, should also be added to the symptom list. Doctors from the University of Manchester and the Manchester Biomedical Research Center have shown that such symptoms appear in 7-15% of patients. infected.
- Read more: Coronavirus Can Affect Hearing. Pay attention to it
If the situation is not urgent, you can consult a doctor without leaving your home, using telemedicine. For this, the patient can make an appointment with your doctor for a TV visit.
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