Never tell the doctor these things! Four cautions from medics

Lack of honesty and openness is one of the worst things we can treat ourselves to during a visit to the doctor. This attitude prevents good communication, making diagnosis and effective treatment difficult. However, there are things that are better not to tell the doctor. On the website, they were pointed out by medics themselves. Learn about five topics that you should forget about during your visit. There is also important good advice.

  1. The doctor-patient relationship requires good communication. From this, among others the effectiveness of the diagnostic process and the treatment itself depends
  2. However, there are issues that are better left unaddressed during a medical visit. The medics themselves say that and point to four of them
  3. More information can be found on the Onet homepage

«My friend’s daughter’s boyfriend read on the internet …»

If you refer to information from the Internet regarding your health problem when consulting your doctor, make sure that it comes from a credible and reliable source. Dr. Jacob Hascalovici, a neurologist, points out that doctors are inundated with theories and all sorts of quick treatments spread over the internet. To prevent the spread of untested and potentially harmful information, the medic advises to obtain information from pages ending in .org or .edu. “… And let your doctor do the hard work of diagnosing,” emphasizes the specialist.

The rest of the text is below the video.

“Everything is fine”

In a doctor’s office, there is no place for silence and omitting delicate or embarrassing issues if they are related to your health. – If you’re ashamed of something delicate, break the discomfort to tell the doctor what’s really going on. Doctors don’t read minds. During the visit, you have to share all the relevant information, which means being really open and honest – says the doctor and adds: – Believe me, doctors have already heard it all!

Don’t complain about other doctors

Complaining patients to other doctors is one of the things that irritate doctors the most. – Instead of complaining about previous doctors, give details of the treatment and medications they introduced – this is a short clear advice from Dr. Sean Ormond, a pain specialist at Atlas Pain Specialists in Phoenix, USA.

“I have no time”

– We do not like to hear from patients that they do not have time for treatment. This means they are not making their health a priority, says chiropractor Dr. Vishal K Verma. We are all busy people, but we all need to make time for our physical, mental and emotional health. Starting a conversation with this excuse is frustrating – indicates the expert.

Good advice from your doctor

Patients’ omissions or omissions can also be distracting. —You probably want to show respect to your doctor, or maybe you just forget to mention some things during your visit. Everything happens quickly and we understand it. However, you need to remember to make the most of your visit to the doctor, says Dr Hascalovici. – If it helps, come with a list of questions or take notes. When you do not understand something, ask questions – the doctor advises. What if the doctor himself is impatient? – Calmly tell him that good communication is essential to solve your health problems and give you proper care.

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We encourage you to listen to the latest episode of the RESET podcast. This time we devote it to astrology. Is astrology really a forecast of the future? What is it and how can it help us in everyday life? What is the chart and why is it worth analyzing with an astrologer? You will hear about this and many other topics related to astrology in the new episode of our podcast.

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