Never put your feet on the dashboard. This could result in disability and even death

A long car journey is often boring for passengers who, trying to find the most comfortable position, put their legs on the car’s dashboard or stick them out of the window while lying on the rear seat. However, it is extremely risky and may result in loss of health and even life.

  1. The feet on the dashboard or outside the car window are a great risk in the event of a road accident or braking
  2. Passengers traveling in this way often do not wear seat belts or do it in the wrong way, which only increases the risk
  3. In extreme cases, an exploding passenger airbag can not only break the leg bones of the person holding the legs on the dashboard, but also force their knees into the skull
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Keeping the legs on the dashboard while driving is dangerous to health and life

While putting the legs on the dashboard by the passenger may bring a moment of respite to his feet, it is extremely dangerous. In order to assume this position, many people choose to unfasten their seat belts or to fasten them improperly, which, in the event of an impact, significantly increases the risk of injury to their body or even death.

It is true that most modern cars have airbags installed not only for drivers but also for passengers, but in this case it is not good news for lovers of driving with feet on the dashboard. As it turns out, if a collision occurs, the exploding air bag will kick up the passenger’s feet, which will smash the windshield. The bones in the legs will be broken in several places. In extreme cases, in this type of event, the knees may stick to the passenger’s head.

Putting your feet out of the window can have disastrous consequences for your health

Not only road accidents in which airbags explode are dangerous for lovers of keeping their feet on the dashboard. Rapid braking is also a risk, as a result of which the passenger traveling in this way may quickly slide off the seat and find himself on the floor of the vehicle with his legs up. This position itself is uncomfortable and can damage the spine, but if the driver does not brake in time and a collision occurs, it can be fatal.

The driver of the vehicle should also pay close attention to the behavior of passengers in the back seat of the car. For if they decide to lie down on the back seat or put their legs out of the window, they will be in mortal danger. As with keeping the legs on the dashboard, they do not have the quick reflexes to protect the legs in the event of a collision. In this case, other cars may also be a problem, the bodies of which can catch the passenger’s legs before the passenger has time to hide them inside the vehicle.

To increase the safety and comfort of passengers a driver going on a long route should stop from time to time in designated places and allow them for a few minutes’ walk. After returning to the car, everyone should, of course, wear their seat belts.

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