Never give up! Quotes for those who lost heart

Misunderstandings in the family, problems at work, lack of understanding of what to do and where to move on… Sometimes it seems that the only thing we can do is give up. But it is not. Steve Jobs, Oscar Wilde, Seth Godin and other wise people remind us that everything still depends on us.

We often lack courage. Very often – time. Sometimes little things and routine, like sand, fall asleep a little bit, and now we can’t lift our hands under their weight.

It happens that we carry with us like a jewel the memories of the past – no matter good or bad. Sometimes we don’t feel entitled to do something big because we don’t believe in ourselves that we are capable of great things. Or some event literally paralyzes us and deprives us of strength.

It would seem that in order to rise and move on, quite a bit is needed – but we don’t have this “little” right now. Such moments happen to everyone. Let these important and necessary words help you move on.


“Success consists of taking steps from failure to the next failure without losing enthusiasm. Never, never, never give up.”

Winston Churchill


“Watch the words. The words we use create the reality we live in.”

Michael Hyatt


“You must not let what once happened to you become a precious family heirloom that you keep, occasionally show to people, then carefully put in its velvet case and put back in your jacket pocket, where it is kept – close to your heart. “.

Augusten Burroughs


“People are like big windows. They sparkle in the sun, but when darkness descends, their beauty is seen only if there is light there, within.

Elisabeth Kübler-Ross


“If you think you’re too small to make a difference, try sleeping with a mosquito.”

Dalai Lama


“We either make ourselves unhappy or we make ourselves strong. The amount of effort is the same.”

Carlos Castaneda


“I think the reward for conformism is that everyone loves you—everyone except yourself.”

Rita May Brian


“Until we get lost, we won’t go looking for ourselves.”

Henry David Thoreau


“Being yourself in a world that constantly wants to make you someone else is the ultimate achievement.”

Ralph Udo Emerson


“Be yourself – all the other roles are already taken.”

Oscar Wilde


“In those times when the winds of change blow, some people build walls of stone, while others build mills.”

Chinese proverb


“All great change was preceded by chaos.”

“Every time you want to react the old way, ask yourself if you want to be a prisoner of the past or a pioneer of the future.”

Deepak Chopra


“What helped me make the biggest and most important decisions in my life was that I remembered my imminent death. Because everything: all expectations, all pride, all fear of error or failure – all these things go away in the face of death, leaving only what is really important. Remembering that you are going to die is the best way I know of to avoid the trap of not thinking you have something to lose.

You are already naked and defenseless. There is no reason not to follow your heart.”

Steve Jobs


“The cave you’re afraid to go into hides the treasure you’re looking for.”

Joseph Campbell


“Most of all, we are not afraid of the fact that we are not like everyone else, or worse than others. Our deepest fear is that we are bigger, that we are stronger. It is our light, not our darkness, that scares us the most.

We ask ourselves: who am I to be talented, amazing, wonderful? In fact, who are we not to be?

There is nothing divine about shrinking down to someone else’s size so that other people around you will not be uncomfortable. We should all shine in all our splendor – like children. And when we allow ourselves to do it, the people around us also feel that they are free to do it. When we are free from fear, our presence automatically frees others.”

Marianne Williamson


“The biggest liars in the world are often our own fears.”

Rudyard Kipling


“You can wait until things settle down. When the kids grow up, work will be quieter, when the economy picks up, the weather improves, your back will stop hurting…

The fact is that people who are different from you and me never wait for the time to come. They know this will never happen.

Instead, they take risks and take action, even when they have no time to sleep, they have no money, they are hungry, their house is not cleaned, and it is snowing in the yard. Whenever it happens.

Because the time comes every day.

Seth Godin

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