The film «Winnie the Pooh»

In Oslika’s soul hurts.

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Film «Amelie»

Creating an artificial neurosis: to interest, to attract attention, to unleash the instinct of the hunter, to drive through luck and failure, to cause frustration and heartbeat …

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Neurosis (not clinical, but in the field of practical psychology) is one of the states of mental illness, easy falling into negativity and difficulty getting out of negativity.

Essentially, being stuck in the negative. The state of strong dissatisfaction (“Everything is bad”) and the desire to escape from this state (as opposed to apathy, when the state “everything is bad” becomes already habitual).

Neurosis is usually accompanied by dissatisfaction with oneself and a decrease in self-esteem, irritability, dependence on others, indecision and, at the same time, a tendency to impulsive reactions.

Artificial neuroses

Neurosis can also be created artificially, playing on the creation of desire and alternately alternating the feeling of success and «Damn, bummer …» — watch the video clip from Amelie’s film, where a love neurosis is created.

Love neurosis

Love neurosis is a kind of neurosis that arose on the basis of love relationships, sometimes created to promote love relationships.

Neurosis and neurotic

Neurotic — not completely mentally healthy, but it is not obvious that he is sick. At the stage of neuroticism, a person is considered healthy. Numerous characters in emotional television series are typical neurotics. If neuroticism intensifies to a real neurosis (see Neurosis in the clinic), one can already speak of a disease.

Neurosis in the clinic

Clinical neurosis: a collective name for a group of functional psychogenic reversible disorders that tend to have a protracted course. The clinical picture of such disorders is characterized by asthenic, obsessive and/or hysterical manifestations, as well as a temporary decrease in mental and physical performance. See Neurosis in the clinic

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