
Every day of modern life is associated with experiences, stress, mental stress. When the load intensifies, various psycho-neurological problems arise – insomnia, irritability, depression, phobias and other negative phenomena. A specialist – a psycho-neurologist will help to cope with the problems that have piled up. This article will tell about the specifics of his work.

More about the specifics of work

A psychoneurologist is a specialist with professional skills and knowledge in the field of neurology, narcology and psychology. The qualification of a doctor is necessarily confirmed by a state diploma. The activity of a psychoneurologist has many similarities with the activity of a psychologist, but there are also differences. In some cases, it can conduct its activities precisely as a narcologist.

A feature of the activity of a psychoneurologist is to determine a clear line between lesions of the organic brain of an organic nature and disorders of the nervous system. It is a separate diagnosis of the psychological and neurological state of the patient that allows you to choose the right method of therapy and prevent deterioration of health.

Today, a neuropsychiatrist is one of the mandatory specialists and conducts appointments in polyclinics and medical centers along with therapists and surgeons. A specialist in this field is necessarily included in various medical commissions and examinations.

In addition to psychology and neurology, a psychoneurologist also studies the therapeutic field. This helps in identifying and treating pain of a somatic nature. Also, many neuropsychiatric disorders provoke the development of physical pain. Therefore, the area of ​​knowledge of a good specialist is extremely wide. Without knowledge of the characteristics of the human body, it is impossible to find the cause of the disease and develop the only true method of therapy.

What ailments does a psychoneurologist treat?

The list of diseases treated by a psychoneurologist is quite wide. Let’s highlight the main ones:

  • insomnia, sleep disturbances, nightmares;
  • phobias, panic attacks;
  • depression;
  • neuroses;
  • some functional disorders of the musculoskeletal system;
  • some functional disorders of the muscular system;
  • enuresis;
  • epilepsy;
  • schizophrenia and more.

A psychoneurologist not only diagnoses the functioning of the nervous system, but also studies the characteristics of human behavior in various situations. The organ studied and treated by a specialist in this field is the brain.

What symptoms are the reason for visiting a neuropsychiatrist?

The presence of pathologies or diseases of the peripheral or central nervous system is the reason for visiting a psychoneurologist. But a person cannot always guess that changes are taking place in his body that require the intervention of this specialist.

We highlight the symptoms, the manifestation of which is a direct indication to visit a neuropsychiatrist:

  • head injuries (even if there are no visible injuries, the consultation of this specialist will not be superfluous, because there is a high probability of hidden brain injuries);
  • prolonged or regular headaches;
  • sleep disturbances, nightmares;
  • frequent vomiting in the absence of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • convulsions;
  • violations of muscle or motor functions;
  • sexual dysfunction;
  • emotional or behavioral disorders;
  • crisis states;
  • addictions – alcoholism, drug addiction;
  • mental retardation.

Timely seeking medical help will help to identify the development of the disease in the early stages, which greatly facilitates its treatment and allows you to achieve a full recovery.

Diagnostic features

Any treatment always begins with a diagnosis and a correct conclusion. First of all, the doctor must establish that the dysfunction of the nervous system is caused precisely by the pathologies of the central nervous system. The specialist in his work uses special equipment, which today is already included in the list of mandatory equipment for a modern medical center.

The examination begins with the establishment of symptoms of the disease. The more truthful and voluminous the patient’s answers are, the easier it is for the doctor to find the causes of the disease. The factor of heredity is necessarily taken into account – if the patient has close relatives suffering from neuropsychiatric diseases, he is automatically included in the risk group.

In some cases, only a conversation between the doctor and the patient is enough to make a diagnosis and subsequent treatment. If the specialist has doubts about the diagnosis after the initial examination and questioning, an examination is prescribed using special equipment – MRI, X-ray, electroencephalography, rheography or myography.

In addition, the patient is required to pass tests:

  • complete blood count;
  • clinical analysis of blood and urine;
  • spermogram;
  • analysis of blood and urine for the presence of narcotic substances;
  • blood test for hormones.

The number of studies carried out and the accuracy of the diagnosis directly depends on the level of qualification of the doctor and his experience. In some cases, additional consultation with another psychoneurologist is necessary. The effectiveness of therapy depends on the accuracy and fidelity of the diagnosis.

Features of treatment

It should be understood that there is no universal method of treatment, even with an identical diagnosis. Each case is purely individual and requires a personal approach. When developing a therapy technique, it is necessary to take into account the general anamnestic data of the patient.

The beginning of therapy is the first visit to a psychoneurologist. During the initial examination, the specialist evaluates the sensitivity of nerve endings, the reflex ability of tendons, muscle tone, speech features, coordination, and mental abilities. Conducting an initial examination makes it possible to assess the general psycho-neurological state.

This is followed by an assessment of the emotional state of the patient, setting the adequacy of his communication. In the diagnosis, special tests and scales are used. The doctor assesses the patient’s condition by showing him images, observing the reaction and associative series. The use of such diagnostic measures makes it possible to identify the initial stage of depression, personality disorders, ingrained stress and other mental disorders.


The treatment of many neuropsychiatric disorders is based on medication. Surgery is required only if the disorder is caused by a tumor in the brain or spinal cord.

Medicines used in the treatment of mental or neurological ailments can be divided into three main groups – adaptogens, antidepressants and antipsychotics. In addition, medications can be used to eliminate other negative symptoms caused by the development of the disease. Comprehensive treatment helps to eliminate the causes of discomfort in a short time and put the patient into a state of stable remission.

For example, if a doctor treats a patient diagnosed with enuresis, he prescribes drugs to correct the process of sending impulses to the brain and drugs that have a positive effect on the functions of the bladder.

Drug treatment can be supplemented with physiotherapy procedures – sports, swimming pool, massage and the like. The main goal of physiotherapy is to relax and reduce the negative impact of irritating factors. Treatment of depression, insomnia, hysteria and other disorders necessarily includes physiotherapy.

Psychoneurologist’s advice

One of the main factors in the development of mental disorders today is stress. It is impossible to completely avoid stressful situations, but you can learn how to reduce their negative impact on the body.

A very effective tool in this regard is special gymnastics:

  • stand or lie down so that it is easy and comfortable. The back should be straight, shoulders straightened;
  • put your hands flat or on your stomach;
  • cover your eyes;
  • pay attention to your breathing, follow each inhalation and exhalation;
  • try to breathe, actively moving the abdominal muscles;
  • Take deep breaths through your nose while expanding your belly. Do 5 reps;
  • when exhaling, press a little with your hands on your stomach, as if pushing out the air;
  • hold your breath for 5-7 seconds.

Any disease is easier to prevent than to cure. Therefore, today, along with an increase in immunity, it is necessary to engage in the prevention of neuropsychiatric diseases. It is especially important to follow this advice for people who have a hereditary predisposition to mental or neurological diseases.

What do professional psychoneurologists advise? First of all, it is necessary to constantly develop, both mentally and physically. The correct daily routine, healthy nutrition, good sleep, hardening, walking in the fresh air, sports – all this has a positive effect on both the mental and physical health of everyone.

Just 5 minutes of such gymnastics a day will help the nervous system to more effectively cope with daily stress. To consolidate the result, it is recommended to perform exercises twice a day.

Dancing, gymnastics, outdoor walks – any hobby that is associated with physical activity and brings positive emotions, has a positive effect on the nervous system and makes it more resistant to negative factors.

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