
A neurologist is a doctor who diagnoses, treats and prevents diseases of the nervous system.

Neurology is the branch of medicine that studies the human nervous system. She is closely associated with neurosurgery, pediatrics and psychiatry. These branches of medicine have much in common and very often the treatment takes place in a complex, with the interaction of doctors. Neurologists specialize in so-called nervous diseases, study them, diagnose them and choose the best treatment options. Doctors of this profile help with depression and neuroses, but the main subject of study of neurology is functional, degenerative, inflammatory and vascular lesions of the nervous system. This area of ​​medicine is at the junction of several specialties.

Many doctors, before making a final diagnosis, send patients to the office of a neurologist. Thousands of patients need the services of this specialist. Neurologists are contacted when applying to universities, applying for a job, in cases where certificates, examinations and medical reports are required. This is a highly demanded specialty in medical practice. What and how do neurologists treat, what is the peculiarity of this profession and when should one turn to professionals of this profile? Let’s try to understand these issues.

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What does a neurologist do?

A certified neurologist, who has undergone specialized training, thoroughly knows the structure and all the features of the central nervous system (CNS). He is able to recognize the characteristic symptoms, conduct the necessary tests, make diagnoses and prescribe treatment.

To realize yourself in this field of medicine and become a neurologist, you need to get a medical education with a degree in general medicine or pediatrics. It is necessary to supplement postgraduate education with internship training. This gives the right to independently conduct medical activities and confirms the qualification of a specialist in the field of “neurology”.

There are a lot of diseases associated with disorders of the nervous and peripheral systems. A neurologist should know the specifics of each. Usually, disorders are associated with developing infectious inflammations of the brain and malfunctions of biological neural connections. The most common neurological diseases are migraines, strokes, neuritis, tumor formations, epileptic seizures, encephalopathy (See also: causes and symptoms of encephalopathy).

Among neurologists there is a separate category of specialists whose activities are exclusively related to children’s neurological problems. The nervous system of children is different from that of adults. Many of the chronic diseases develop at a young age, are quite difficult and dangerous consequences. One of these severe diseases is epilepsy. Children with deviations and obvious signs of disruption of the nervous system need special medical attention and control. Approaches to treatment also differ, all this confirms the validity of the existence of child neurology as a separate field of medicine.

Diseases treated by a neurologist

Neurological diseases have their own characteristics. In most cases, they are accompanied by numerous symptoms. This is a whole complex of signs and manifestations that can be caused by a variety of reasons.

We single out pathological conditions that are within the competence of a neurologist:

  • Headache, facial pain (migraines, nervous tics, tremors, Bell’s paralysis, etc.);

  • Convulsive conditions, epileptic seizures, impaired consciousness;

  • Pain in the back (hernial formations, sciatica, osteochondrosis, etc.);

  • Stroke and its consequences;

  • Injuries, consequences of back and head injuries;

  • Alzheimer’s disease;

  • Vegetovascular dystonia;

  • Parkinson’s disease, etc.

At the appointment with a neurologist

An appointment with a neurologist traditionally begins with a questioning of the patient and clarification of complaints. In order to get the most accurate clinical picture and avoid errors in diagnosis, the patient should help the doctor: describe his condition in detail, talk about the symptoms that worsen his well-being, their regularity and severity.

The neurologist necessarily studies the medical history and conducts an examination. If there is not enough data for diagnosing, additional studies may be prescribed. The goal of the doctor is to get a clear and correct idea of ​​the work and condition of the human nervous system. For this, all its departments are examined, from muscles to the brain. The patient’s reflexes, coordination, gait, cranial nerves, etc. are studied. Such an integrated approach makes it possible to determine the anatomical features of the body and prescribe the best treatment option. It can be conservative or surgical. Everything is individual, the choice of treatment tactics depends on the type of disease, the general condition of the patient and the stage of the identified pathology.

When is it necessary to visit a neurologist?

Many of the known neurological symptoms accompany diseases of other systems of the human body. Not everyone knows about their affiliation and seriousness. Postponing a visit to the doctor, you can bring the condition to severe complications. Any deviation associated with the nervous system should not be ignored.

Seek help from a neurologist when the following symptoms appear:

  • Frequent, prolonged, severe headaches;

  • Pain in the back and lower back;

  • Muscle weakness;

  • speech disorders;

  • Poor sleep (frequent awakenings, insomnia);

  • Numbness, loss of sensation, tingling of the extremities;

  • Dizziness, tinnitus, fainting;

  • Weakness, fatigue, impaired gait and coordination of movement;

  • Disorder of memory and perception, absent-mindedness.

The consequence of neurological diseases can be symptoms such as facial asymmetry, frequent mood swings, voice changes. To an ordinary person, these manifestations may seem ordinary, but for an experienced neurologist, these are typical symptoms that often result in the development of a serious disease. Any of these signs of the disease should be the reason for a visit to the doctor. This may be directly a neurologist or a therapist who will determine which specific specialist should be contacted.

What is the neurologist looking for?

A trip to any doctor is accompanied by excitement, worries and fear of the unknown. If you have never been to a neurologist, and do not know what awaits you at the reception, discard all fears. Embarrassing situations are excluded, this is just the collection of information necessary for accurate diagnosis. A consultation with a specialist includes an initial examination and a survey with a set of standard questions. The doctor must accurately determine the neurological condition of the patient. To do this, he may ask about his age, marital status, place and work schedule, history of taking medications. The list of mandatory questions includes clarification of all points related to the genetic predisposition and general health of the patient

What is included in a neurologist appointment?

Among the medical services provided by a neurologist, the following types are mandatory:

  • Taking an anamnesis, which involves a thorough study of the medical history: injuries, past diseases and operations, features of work, residence, etc.

  • Visual inspection and palpation of the patient.

  • Study of sensory function and motor system.

The complex of medical services may include ultrasound of the brain. The final step is the appointment of treatment. This may be drug therapy, dietary recommendations and a therapeutic regimen suitable for the identified pathology.

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